My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1847

Chapter 1847

Chapter 1847

Gary looked at his brother with sympathy in his eyes. His brother still believed that he and Nicole were evenly matched in their capabilities. In fact, he had even conceived of the possibility of defeating Nicole.

On the other hand, Gary thought that his brother was rather pitiful.

With a sigh, he cracked the program, stood up, and patted Ryder in the shoulder. "Rest in peace."

Ryder froze, not understanding what Gary had meant. Off stage, Mr. Zach watched as they all entered the next round and issued a sigh of relief.

This was the first time he noticed Nicole, and as they were exiting the stage, he walked over to them and said, "It's great that you're able to enter the next round. Good luck! Don't give up!"

Nicole looked at Mr. Zach. 'This teacher is from the university department, and he's probably Stanley's homeroom teacher.'

She had a favorable impression of his friendly demeanor. "Thank you, sir."

In response, Mr. Zach smiled. "No worries. That's the least I can do for you."

At the same time, Mr. Hardy also walked over to welcome Zeke, and as he had overheard the conversation between them, chuckled, "Well, aren't you self-aware? A teacher like you won't be able to create any good students."

Mr. Zach's expression darkened, after which he spun around and glared at Mr. Hardy. "Why are you everywhere?!"

Mr. Zach had no intention of arguing with this rogue, but then, the latter had approached him for a jibe on his own volition anyway.

Nicole's expression quickly took a turn for the gloomy as well.

Seeing that Mr. Zach was defenseless against Mr. Hardy, she coldly retorted, "Mr. Zach is our school's honored teacher. The president of the student council and the student who always gets first place in the entire grade is from his class. Can you say the same for your class, Mr. Hardy?"

Mr. Hardy was stunned. Being dissed by a student was the last thing he could see coming. He instinctively wanted to fight back. However, he was also forced to realize that his class had no extraordinary students. That was why he cared so much for Zeke. As a gifted student, Zeke had made quite a name for himself.

Nicole had already guessed what the situation was from the get go. A teacher from Northon Institute who was so concerned about a competition such as this had likely exposed the fact that his students could not shine in their main subjects. Therefore, he had to take a different approach.

"What the matter? Are you too perplexed to speak up?" Nicole sneered. "Every man has his merits. Take Mr. Zach for example. He is an excellent teacher, but not a great debater. You, on the other hand, seem to all bark and no bite."

"Who are you talking about?" Mr. Hardy glared at Nicole in fury. "Why are there students as rude as you are at Royal Creek Institute?"

In reply, Nicole mocked, "If I was rude, what does that make you? A teacher who was shouting in public? Isn't that the mark of an ill-bred person?"

"Why you!!" Nicole's words left Mr. Hardy speechless. "Fine, let's see how long you can keep up with all that smack talk! I've seen plenty of students like you with big mouths! I'm afraid you won't even be able to enter the finals!"

Mr. Hardy had witnessed Nicole's performance moments ago and felt that she was inferior to Zeke.

Nicole's expression darkened. 'It seems to me that Mr. Hardy has to learn a lesson today. Or else he is never going to let this matter slide.'

"What if I make it into the finals? Are you going to kneel for me in front of everyone?" Nicole proudly crossed her arms on her chest.

Mr. Zach had never expected this cold-looking girl to possess such a fierce demeanor; she had refused to back down against Mr. Hardy. He was secretly pleased with the sight of Mr. Hardy being humiliated.

However, his good manners prompted him to impart his advice on Nicole anyway. "Let it go. Don't bother lowering yourself down to his level for the sake of an argument. We are here to participate in the competition, not engage in shouting matches with dogs."

With that said, Mr. Zach took Nicole and the Finley brothers away.

Mr. Hardy took a moment to realize what was said, and that was when he shouted at them, "Who are you calling a dog?!"

He could not believe that Mr. Zach, who was so inept when it came to arguments, knew how to call him names after having a student had shown up to back him up. This made him furious.

Zeke made his way down the stage and saw Mr. Hardy as he was walking pass Mr. Zach, who had a smug look on his face.

He quickly asked, "Mr. Hardy. What happened again?"

This time, Nicole was present, and Zeke really hoped that Mr. Hardy had not done anything to provoke her.

In response, Mr. Hardy glared at Nicole and bellowed, "That student is so detestable with that sharp tongue of hers! When you go up against her later, be sure to teach her a lesson! Do you understand?"

Zeke followed his gaze and saw Nicole.

There, he could not help but shudder as he asked, "D-Did you offend her just now?"

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