My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1920

Chapter 1920

Chapter 1920

"Okay." Jared pursed his lips, before handing the key over to Nicole.

Nicole quickly entered the aircraft's system. Nicole's face brightened as she entered the missile defense radar system. "This system is brilliant! All the latest versions!"

"Yes, the locating of missiles is quite accurate, but for the time being, this jet has yet to pass the legalization of weapons installation. So, it's quite useless now since it has yet to be perfected for the later phase."

Nicole raised her eyebrows and smiled. "I bet you don't know that even if you can't have weapons legally installed, things like radar have various uses."

Jared pondered for a moment. "What uses?" He was perked up, trying to listen intently to what Nicole was about to tell him.

"Those rockets on The Raven were all smuggled from the military. In other words, though their rockets don't have a radar system, they do come with radar functions..."

"What do you mean?" Jared seemed to have caught on to what Nicole had said.

"What I mean is... they have the artillery shells of missiles, but for us, we have the system to control it. If we can crack the radar system inside their rockets..."

Jared understood instantly, his face turning happy. "Then their rockets are ours!"

"Yes!" Nicole sneered, she felt like the heavens were helping her.

"I'll try it now to see if I can hack into their systems."

Nicole used the aircraft locator. 'As long as they don't launch these rockets, I still have time to modify their course.'

Nicole sped up as she thought this. Jared stared at Nicole. Confidence filled her face before she peered out the window with a solemn expression.

No less than ten minutes later, Janus' voice sounded through the intercom. "Mr. Johnston, there are enemy planes ahead of us. We're about to be outnumbered."

Jared's face expression hardened. "Go straight to them."

Jared was determined to try and bet on what level the opponent's rocket firepower was.

"Yes, sir." Janus nodded.

Jared pulled Nicole into a hug. "This might get a little bumpy. Brace yourself."

"Okay." Nicole nodded her head. While being protected by Jared, she continued cracking the system with ease.

The other party noticed that Jared's jet did not slow down. 'This fella must be crazy!'

"Sir, we've successfully intercepted them, but... their plane doesn't seem to be slowing down!" one reported to the man in the face mask.

The man in the face mask rolled his eyes. "What are you waiting for?! Shoot them down!"

'The last time this happened, she killed so many of my men but this time, I'll kill all of hers! I can't lose any more brothers of mine. Otherwise, I'd have nothing left,' the man in the face mask thought to himself.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone started to prepare their rocket launchers. It was not long before three to four rockets were fired toward Jared's jet.

"Mr. Johnston! They've fired a rocket!" Jared immediately pulled Nicole into a hug.

Two loud booms. 'It seems like we were hit by two rockets.'

Jared's jet trembled violently twice, before the smoke and dust dissipated. Nothing happened to them. Jared smiled. "It seems their rockets are nothing more than just shells."

Nicole also let out a huge sigh in relief. "Don't be complacent. I haven't cracked into their system yet. How long do you think our jet can withstand the attack?"

Jared knew but he could only solemnly say, "I can only try to delay the time."

"Endure for a while. I'll try it when they launch the next time," said Nicole.

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