My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1954

Chapter 1954

Chapter 1954

A few minutes later, Jared brought Nicole to the front door of the Riddle residence, Then, he rang the doorbell without giving Nicole any time to react.

Niki was shocked as she widened her eyes. "What are you doing? I didn't say I wanted to go inside!"

She figured that it would be inappropriate for her to show up uninvited at the home of the people she did not know anymore.

"But they've been thinking about you every day." Jared argued.

He had tried to delay this meeting for three days now, thinking that Nicole would have more time to prepare herself mentally. However, he and the Riddles had been dying to see her for the longest time.

Niki widened her eyes, not knowing what he was talking about.

All of a sudden, a butler with a headful of white hair came outside, and as soon as he saw Nicole, he stood there, rooted in disbelief.

The butler was shocked to see Nicole as he quickly opened the door and rubbed his eyes, afraid that he was just hallucinating. "M-Miss Nicole? Is that you? Is that really you?!"


Niki did not know what to say, but she felt a sense of familiarity and comfort the moment she caught sight of the butler's face.

'He just called me Miss Nicole...'

Perplexed, Niki asked, "Jared, is this... my home?!"

They went inside, and there, Nicole took a close look at the building in front of her.

Suddenly, she felt a searing pain in her temple, causing her to reach for her head and hold it. "Ugh..."

Jared held onto her as soon as he saw that. "Are you okay?"

He frowned and eyed Nicole with a look of concern as he quietly blamed himself for having done something so hasty.

"I'm fine..." Nicole took a few deep breaths, finally regaining some of her memories.

"Do you still want to go inside?" he asked.

The only reason as to why he had not informed the Riddles about her return was because he was worried that they would bombard her with a ton of questions and overwhelm her by forcibly attempting to help her regain her memories.

He would not have made the impulsive decision to bring Nicole here if it was not for the little brat. When he saw how much pain Nicole was in, he felt an instant pang of regret.

However, Niki nodded with a stern expression on her face. "If this is really my home, I've got to go inside..."

She regained her balance and looked at the building with mixed feelings. She gathered her courage and finally, she decided to have a look inside.

After seeing the look of determination in her eyes, Jared calmed down as well.

"Okay. Let's go then. I'll walk with you," he said, his hand still holding onto hers.

For some strange reason, she felt a sense of security while she was with him. Then, the two of them entered the Riddle residence.

Meanwhile, the butler quickened his steps and went into the house to inform the Riddles about what he had just seen. "Sir, madam! Miss Nicole is back!"

It had been five years, and during that period of time, the entire house had been awash in nothing but sadness.

But when the announcement had been made, the air around them seemed to freeze for a moment, and the eyes of the dispirited woman, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly sparkled. "Nicole... Did you just say Nicole?!"

Gloria stood up wearily, her legs so weak that she almost tipped over as soon as she was on her feet.

Fortunately, Daniel acted swiftly. "You've just recovered not long ago. Sit still."

Gloria had not been eating well for as long as she missed Nicole. She even had a difficult time consuming food in the past year, and malnutrition had taken such a toll on her that she could not even walk properly...

In fact, it was a miracle that she could suddenly get on her feet...

"Nicole... I want to see Nicole!" she shouted.

That was the only thing Gloria cared about at that very moment. She had waited for five long years, and Nicole was finally back! Thus, it would be impossible for her to just sit still!

At that moment, everyone from the top floor had heard the commotion too.

Sean and Steve hurriedly came down. "Mom, Dad, what's happening?"

Then, Samuel and Spencer immediately got out of their bedroom on the first floor as well. "Mom, Dad, is everything all right?"

After that, Stanley made his way downstairs and curiously asked, "What's going on?"

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