My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1987

Chapter 1987

Chapter 1987

Jared's sudden closeness had Nicole's heart fluttering faster than usual. She took a while to process what he had said. When she did, her pupils dilated. "What are the results?"

Nicole did not expect him to tell her this information. His speedy resolution of the situation was commendable. She could tell there was something odd with Mr. Riddle Sr.'s medicine. However, she needed to identify the exact issue using professional laboratory tests to curate a remedy to the case.

Jared's eyes darkened, and his voice revealed a hint of coldness. "Mr. Riddle Sr.'s medicine is specially formulated. There were toxic ingredients added to the original nutrient neurovascular formulation. It was hard to detect the toxic ingredient and with prolonged use..."

"Chronic poisoning. Something that couldn't be detected medically." Nicole instantly understood. novelebook.comHer eyes turned cold. If Mr. Riddle Sr. continued the prescription, he would die of organ failure, and no one would have discovered the poison.

"That's right," Jared replied solemnly.

Nicole bit her lip, wondering, 'Who could it be? Who could be so ruthless?'

The family members of the Riddle family crossed her mind, but she did not dare dwell on it. Only the Riddle family knew about her grandfather's condition, so only they could have the opportunity and motive to act. But Mr. Riddle Sr. was their father, and Nicole could not imagine who would do such a thing.

As if Jared read her thoughts, he gently held her hand and said, "I have sent Janus to investigate that doctor."

"Grandpa's doctor." Nicole nodded slightly, knowing this was the only lead.

Mr. Riddle Sr.'s health had been under the care of a personal doctor for the last few years. Despite his declining health, the butler pointed out that the doctor had not advised stopping the prescription. That seemed suspicious in and of itself.

Furthermore, an average person could not meet the level of professionalism involved. If it were not for Nicole's medical knowledge, she would never have been able to notice that the medicine was odd. If that were the case, then Mr. Riddle Sr. would have...

Without further thought, Nicole folded her hands subconsciously. Her eyes had a touch of determination. She had to expose the person behind all this.

The shock and anger from knowing about Mr. Riddle Sr.'s situation made Nicole miss the fact that Jared was so close to her. However, she did not feel awkward and uncomfortable. On the contrary, she felt safe and empowered with him by her side.

"Mommy, did you reconcile with Daddy?" a sweet voice sounded. Soon, a little bundle of joy with chubby legs came over and smiled with glee as she saw the two individuals resting against each other.

Nicole's face instantly turned red. Only then did she notice they had gotten so close as they discussed Mr. Riddle Sr.'s case. Nicole had become less guarded around Jared.

Nolan let out a discontented grunt at this scene. He went over and squeezed between Jared and Nicole, not wanting them to be this close to each other. Nolan had promised his godfather that he would help him watch Nicole.

Nicole could not help but smile dumbfoundedly at the two kids' actions. She patted Nolan's butt and said, "Go play with your sister. Mommy still has things to deal with."

Nolan pouted, unsatisfied. "What do you have to deal with, Mommy? Why don't we find Godpa? He could help us."

Nolan was determined not to give his father a chance to prove himself. If anyone should have a chance, it should be his godfather. His mother should only see the good in his godfather.

Nicole's expression became serious. "Nolan, I really have something to take care of. We can't trouble your godfather for every single thing."

They had already troubled Leo a lot in the past. Even though she had not regained her memories, she realized her identity and responsibilities. Therefore, she had to rely on herself and not be a burden to Leo anymore.

Seeing the determination in Nicole's eyes, Nolan could only reluctantly respond, "Alright."

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