My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2001

Chapter 2001

Chapter 2001

Everything around them fell into silence for a moment, with Jared frowning and telling himself, 'Don't push her too hard. Jared Johnston is better than Mr. Johnston.'

So, he nodded and agreed, "I'm listening."

"Uh." Nicole paused, suddenly forgetting about what she wanted to say.

She had already felt as if the atmosphere of their dinner together was a little awkward, but she felt even more uncomfortable now that she was about to say something.

This marked the first time Nicole was actually bothered by the fact that she had lost her memories. She initially thought that she would just accept the fact that things would never be the same again, and focus on raising her two children. However, she wanted to remember what things were like before the present time, so that she could free herself from this struggle.

"Why are you not saying anything?" Jared asked, noticing a hint of hesitation in Nicole's eyes as if there was something bothering her.

"Forget it." Nicole shook her head, figuring that it would be better to just let things happen instead of forcing them.

Putting their past relationship aside, Jared was still the father of her two children. Therefore, it would be inevitable for them to meet in the future no matter what.

Nicole was relieved after thinking about that. She had returned to the Riddle family and figured that she would probably be living in San Joto for a long time. Because of that, she did not have to worry about those unnecessary things any longer.

Nicole subconsciously smiled after the sense of relaxation took over her. Then, she lowered her head and started eating happily. The notion of whether the entire dinner was a date or not no longer

bothered her, and all she wanted was to do was fill her stomach.

Jared watched every change in her expression as he subtly raised his brows. Even though he had no idea what she was thinking about, he could sense her emotions fluctuating.

"Try some of this." Jared put some food on Nicole's plate without asking any more questions.

Both of them carefully avoided any mentions about the subject as if nothing had happened. However, it was obvious that they were in a better mood than before.

After finishing their meal, Nicole requested to return to the Riddle residence.

Jared had initially planned to bring Nicole out on a night cruise, but Nicole was too worried about her children. So, he complied and did as he was asked. Then, he promised himself that he would bring the children along on their next date.

They arrived at the gate of the Riddle residence, and there, they saw another car parked there, prompting them to halt behind it.

Nicole was left feeling a little surprised after recognizing that it was Lawrence's car. 'Why is Lawrence here at this hour? Did something happen?'

Unexpectedly, Lawrence got out of the car, with Nolan following right behind him.

"Nolan!" Nicole yelled, becoming even more shocked.

Then, she opened the car door and stepped outside. "Nolan, where did you go?"

She did not know how to feel about Lawrence taking Nolan out. 'Is something wrong with Nolan? If that's the case, why didn't anyone tell me about it?"

"Mommy!" Nolan ran toward Nicole and threw himself into her arms as soon as he saw her.

Then, Lawrence walked over and smiled at Nicole. "You're back."

"Where did you guys go?" Nicole asked, feeling a little worried still.

"We..." Lawrence patted Nolan's head and spoke before the boy could finish his sentence. "I didn't have anything to do today. I figured that you would probably be busy with work, so I took Nolan out to have some fun."

"To have some fun?" Nicole frowned.

Even though Lawrence would bring her children out occasionally, he would never leave Lana behind.

With that in mind, Nicole could not help but wonder, 'Why isn't Lana with them today?'

And as if he could read Nicole's mind, Lawrence explained, "Lana said that she wanted to spend some time with her grandmother, so I only took Nolan out."

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