My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2047

Chapter 2047

Chapter 2047

Nicole was utterly shocked when realized what had happened. 'Why on earth is Jared here?!'

She looked up slowly, feeling a little guilty as she forced a smile out. "Hey, what a coincidence. You're here for lunch too, huh?"

"What a coincidence indeed," Jared responded as he looked at Lawrence and Nolan coldly.

'Why are they here together? Where's Lana? Is she still in pre-school?' Jared asked himself.

"Nolan had a tummy ache, so…" Nicole said, trying to explain the situation to Jared.

She did not know why but she just did not want Jared to misunderstand them.

But before she could do any damage control, Nolan raised his chin up and said smugly, "I wanted to go to the theme park, so godfather and Mommy brought me there. We got tired from playing, so we're eating lunch now."

"You?" Jared frowned deeply as he looked at them.

Having figured Nolan's scheme out with ease, he thought, 'This little guy sure knows how to get on my nerves. He's trying to get Nicole and Lawrence on a date, isn't he?'

"Yup!" Nolan raised his head as if to say, "That's right. It's me!"

"So you made a mistake, and you don't see a problem with it?" Jared narrowed his eyes.

They had taken Nolan to school in the morning, and even if Nolan wanted to visit the theme park, he could do so over the weekend.

'This is outrageous. Nolan needs to be taught a lesson,' Jared thought.

"What mistake?" Nolan asked, not having it. 'I didn't sneak out to play by myself anyway.'

"Is today a weekend?" Jared asked with a stern look on his face.

Nolan was taken aback.

He shook his head, and in a quiet voice, he said, "No."

"Mr. Johnston, the kid just wants to play. Besides, he just went to school, so you don't have to be so strict on him." Lawrence looked upset when he saw how strict Jared was.

"I'm his father, so I have the responsibility and the right to teach my kid. Even if you're his godfather, I must ask that you do not coddle him too much. It's not good for him," Jared said coldly with a piercing gaze.

Noticing how tense the situation was, Nicole stepped up to stop them. "Jared, Leo."

"You think he should spoil Nolan too?" Jared narrowed his eyes, feeling extremely frustrated.

"No, but this happened for a reason." Nicole took Nolan by the hand and stood up, not wanting to elaborate further. "Besides, we just got done eating and were just about to leave."

Then, she looked at Lawrence and continued, "Leo, I'm taking Nolan back home. It's getting late, and it's time for Nolan's afternoon nap."

"Sure, go home then." Lawrence smiled warmly.

Jared finally felt better when he saw Nicole leaving the place. "Let's go."

"Mr. Johnston, you…" Max looked upstairs for a while.

"Go on my behalf." Jared then carried Nolan in his arms and left hand-in-hand with Nicole.

Lawrence's gaze darkened. He was aware that Nolan was trying to create more chances for them, but now that Jared had shown up, he had ruined everything again.

It was the happiest day in San Joto for Lawrence. When he was playing around with Nicole and Nolan in the theme park, everything truly felt surreal, as if life should always be like this.

Now, as he watched Nolan and Nicole being taken away like that, he suddenly felt as though something had been taken away from him, which made his heart hurt.

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