My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2074

Chapter 2074

Chapter 2074

Chapter 2074

“They want to divide the family assets,” Nicole said slowly and disdainfully.

The news shocked not only Samuel but also Spencer and Stanley. “Are they insane?”

‘Grandpa is still alive and well, yet they want to divide the family assets. Moreover, aside from diving the companies, it seems that it’s not something that can be done easily.’

“Yeah,” Nicole scoffed. “If they weren’t crazy, how could they do such a brainless thing? It seems like my return has driven them mad.”

“What did Grandpa say about it?” Samuel curiously asked.

“No matter the generation or seniority, only capable individuals are eligible to inherit the family assets,” Nicole revealed calmly.

“Capable individuals?” The three of them looked at Nicole simultaneously.

Nicole immediately shook her head. “Don’t look at me. I’m not interested.”

“Not you? Then is it us?” the three of them asked in unison. They did not even bother to get involved in the company, so inheriting the Riddle family assets was even less appealing to them.

“Don’t worry. We still have Sean and Steve.” Nicole smirked. She knew very well that these three brothers of hers were less capable than her. They were not even willing to participate in company matters.

“That’s right,” Spencer agreed. “Steve only loves money, so he probably isn’t interested in inheriting the Riddle fortune. After all, there’s a sense of responsibility here. As for our eldest brother…”

The group then agreed unanimously that Sean was the most suitable candidate.

Nicole also believed that Sean was the best choice, and she had already made up her mind to help him obtain the inheritance rights. The legacy of the Riddle family could not fall into the hands of someone with ulterior motives.

She had also discussed this with Jared on the way home, and he agreed with her decision and respected it.

Daniel and Gloria entered the room, coincidentally overhearing their conversation, and they felt relieved.

Dexter and Emma called them over, and they were discussing the same matter. Given the current situation, Daniel’s children had a greater chance of obtaining the inheritance rights. But with five sons and one daughter, how would they ultimately decide? Would there be a fierce internal struggle?

That was not a scene they wanted to see. However, they did not expect that their worries were unnecessary. These young ones were actually pushing responsibility onto each other, none of them was willing to shoulder it, and they

unanimously pushed it onto Sean, who was not present.

What others would schematically calculate to obtain, seemed to be despised by them instead, leaving their parents amused.

“Mom, Dad, you’re back.” Samuel noticed Daniel and Gloria and greeted them with joy.

The couple smiled gently and sat down on the sofa. “We’re back.”

“As for the matter of the inheritance rights, don’t think too much about it. After all, Grandpa is still healthy. This matter doesn’t need to be rushed,” Daniel reassured them. He did not want the children to feel too pressured.

“It’s fine. We’re not under pressure,” Samuel said with a mischievous smile, knowing that the pressure had already been shifted to their eldest brother.

“That’s right,” the others chimed in, afraid of being called back to the company to immediately take on official roles.

“You lot…” Gloria couldn’t help but laugh. “Even though you’re pushing everything onto your eldest brother, shouldn’t you also lend him a hand here and there?”

They were all her children, and she cared for each one of them. If they all pushed the responsibility onto Sean, he probably would not be able to handle it.

“We have Nicole, and Sean also has someone who takes care of the internal and external matters for him. We have faith in him,” Samuel said genuinely. He was truly afraid that once he entered the company, he would have no freedom left, and he was certain he would not be able bear it.

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