My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2091

Chapter 2091

Chapter 2091

“But I can’t just let this go.

Raine’s anger had subsided a little, but she was still fuming mad.

‘If it was a failure on my part, I would not have such a hard time accepting this. But losing to Nicole? Right in front of her face too? It’s a direct slap to my face,’ Raine thought.

“Alright, alright. We ought to bear this burden of humiliation but remember, it’s all for our future,” James continued through gritted teeth.

“Sooner or later, I’ll bring her down.’

“Let’s go home.” James dragged Raine into the car after he noticed she had finally calmed down, whereupon they left the place.

On the other hand, it did not take long for Nicole and Lulu to conclude their business meeting and get into the car.

“Nicole, I didn’t expect it would go so smoothly,” Lulu remarked, feeling very impressed by herself when she landed the project with Mr. Harmon.

It was also her very first project after joining Riddle Corporation. Therefore, it filled her with excitement just thinking about it.

“I told you not to worry,’ Nicole smiled. “But then, I must admit, your comebacks have gotten better.”

Nicole recalled Raine’s perplexed expression as she was rendered speechless and was intrigued by it.

In reply, Lulu flashed her a bashful smile and scratched her head. “Would you believe me if I told you I’ve gotten training through my previous company?”

“I do.” Nicole nodded, finally understanding why June had persuaded Lulu to resign from her previous job.

“Nicole, do you know that it’s great that you’re finally back!?’ Lulu brought Nicole into a tight embrace in excitement. “I’ve gone through so much in the past five years, but ever since you came back, things have gotten much better.”

This did not simply mark the end to Lulu’s series of predicaments; in the end, she had also gotten a better job. With that, Lulu’s drive to do better at her job had been ignited. Now more than ever, she was determined to work harder to live up to Nicole’s expectations of her.

Back at the Riddle Corporation, both Nicole and Lulu went their separate ways. Lulu was determined to spend her time learning and picking up the ropes, which Nicole was more than happy to let her do.

Soon after, Nicole heard an unexpected knock on her door, and Steve suddenly came striding in with an anxious look on his face.

“Steve, what’s the matter?” Nicole asked as she looked at Steve in confusion.

Steve carefully studied Nicole from top to toe. ‘Oh thank

God. She doesn’t seem to be hurt anywhere.’

Then, he breathed a sigh of relief before saying, “Thank goodness you’re alright. I heard that you went out for a business meeting earlier and bumped into Raine and James.

I was worried for a moment there.”

“Steve, don’t worry about it. I’m fine, see?”

‘Raine isn’t even capable of laying a finger on me,’ Nicole thought.

“Then what happened earlier today? How did you bump into them?” Steve asked, feeling a little puzzled.

The corner of Nicole’s mouth twitched in glee. “Someone got a little too ambitious and couldn’t keep their greed under wraps.”

“Ambitious?” Steve was at loss. ‘Who was trying to be too ambitious? Raine?’

“Yeah. There’s something I have been keeping from you.”

Nicole then cautiously told Steve about everything that had happened when she returned to visit the Riddle mansion, including the undisputed decision of the family afterwards.

Steve nodded his head in agreement. “Well, Sean can technically do that.”

“Yeah, because of what Sean had said about us being heartless. But please, don’t make it too obvious that you know about this,” Nicole told Steve, who was a little dumbfounded.

‘If everyone were to act as if they’re oblivious to this situation, won’t it make things worse?’ Steve thought.

Steve gasped. “I think that’s why he wanted me to bring Sally home for dinner.”

“Not entirely.” Nicole said, feeling that it was for the sake of her sister-in-law.

“Let’s forget it. We can talk about this another time, but what did you mention earlier about Raine being ambitious?’ she asked in surprise.

“Could it be that she wants some of the inheritance? Could it?”

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