My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2195

Chapter 2195

Chapter 2195

“That person took the mission and backed out later on.

There are only two possibilities. First, he found out that he could not complete the mission. Either that, or he was testing us to get an idea of what our identities are,” Nicole explained to Nolan.

Nolan blinked his big eyes twice, seemingly having understood what she was saying. “So, that means he might not have a clue about any of the crests, but he wanted to find out who was interested in searching forthem?”

Nicole stroked Nolan’s hair in relief. “Let’s not rule out this possibility,”

If anything, Nicole felt this was the most likely reason as to why that individual had backed out.

“That was close,” Nolan sighed as he almost got Nicole in trouble,

“In the future, don’t do anything risky at random. All you need to care about now is your ranking. As you hone your abilities, your ranking will naturally get higher,” Nicole said with a hint of gentleness in her eyes.

At the end of the day, Nicole wanted to protect Nolan, and improve his skills in a proper way.

“Alright, I get it. If I encounter any problems again, I will inform you first,” Nolan promised, his gaze filled with the determination of an adult.

“Good,” Nicole agreed with a delighted smile.

“This is Daddy’s study. This is Mommy’s and Nolan’s…”

Looking at Lana’s chubby fingers pointing at every part of the castle with a beaming smile, Nicole felt a surge of warmth in her heart.

The sky became darker thereafter, and the couple returned to their room once they had checked on their kids.

“You can go ahead and take a shower first. I still have things to take care of,” Nicole said while taking her laptop out, her expression solemn and unsmiling.

Knowing what Nicole was going to do, Jared’s pupils contracted. Instead of entering the bathroom, he sat down and stayed beside her.

Nicole operated the computer and quickly accessed an interface, tracing a certain cyber trail with utmost caution. After a while, she logged out from the interface.

“It was indeed a trap,” Nicole said with a sigh. Just as Nicole had suspected, the other person was trying to uncover her identity. If she had not stopped Nolan, Nolan’s IP address would have been discovered by the other party. This would expose his identity, along with hers.

“Who was it?” Jared asked, a cold glint flashing in his eyes.

“I’m not sure. The other person had an anonymous account, so nothing can be found,” Nicole explained.

Knowing what her enemy was doing, Nicole did not dare to

perform a thorough check. She did not want to alert the other party, as that would make it difficult for her to detect them in the future.

After logging out of the system, Nicole shut her computer down. All she had to do was sit tight and lead her adversary into believing that she had not found anything about them. That way, she might still have a chance when they gradually let their guard down.

In any case, Nicole was more than curious about who the person was. She believed that they would not just disappear into the night. She was also convinced that she would be able to find them. To do so, she would have to start out by discovering some clues.

“Add a firewall to your and Nolan’s computer,” Jared said as his eyes darkened.

Although they were both very careful and skilled at what they were doing, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Nicole bit her lips and agreed, “Deal, I will.”

Nolan’s actions today were indeed reckless. There were no adverse consequences this time, but there was no guarantee that he would be as fortunate next time.

Therefore, they had to plan ahead.

Upon hearing Nicole’s promise, Jared felt more at ease. “It’s getting late. Let’s go to sleep.”

“Yeah, let’s get some,” Nicole got up to put the laptop away before heading off to the bathroom.

When she came back, they both laid down and fell asleep on the bed.

In the blink of an eye, the next day arrived.

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