My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2234

Chapter 2234

Chapter 2234

Chapter 2234

In the midst of the hustle, everything still seemed normal and progressed slowly.

As usual, the whole city was bustling, and the people on the streets were all rushing to their own destinations.

Jared sent Nicole to the Riddle Corporation as per routine.

Just as Nicole got out of the car, Lawrence’s car appeared and came to a halt beside them.

Nicole looked at Lawrence with shock. “Leo, what are you doing here? Is something going on?”

It was supposed to be working hours, so why would Lawrence appear there at that moment?

“rm here to see you.” Lawrence’s tone was calm, as if there was nothing going on. But when he turned his gaze to Jared, it was dark.

In fact, Lawrence was actually in a bad mood. So, he wanted to find a place and take a breather. But the only place he could go was where Nicole was.

“Let’s head up then.” Nicole did not give it much thought and invited Lawrence to her office. Then, she turned back to Jared and said, “I’ll head up now. Bye.”

“I’ll pick you up when you’re done,” Jared reminded gently. Then, he turned his gaze to Lawrence, and it turned cold in an instant.

After glancing at Lawrence, Jared ordered Max, “Let’s go.”

“Alright.” Max started the car engine and left.

Seeing that the car had left, Nicole gestured to Lawrence.” Let’s go.” However, she noticed that Lawrence’s gaze was fixed on Jared’s car. He did not even react when Nicole called out to him.

“Leo?” Nicole raised her voice a little.

Lawrence came back to his senses and smiled. “Let’s go.”

After that, he walked into the office building first, acting as if he was not the one who was staring intently at Jared.

In a daze, Nicole blinked. ‘Why does it feel like something’s off? But looking at Lawrence, it seems like everything’s fine?’

Seeing Lawrence enter the building, Nicole put the thought away and followed after him.

Soon, both of them had reached the top floor. Coincidentally, they bumped into Sean and Steve there.

“Steve, Sean,” Nicole greeted them.

Both of them looked at Nicole. Then, they turned their gaze to Lawrence and questioned, “Do we have any recent partnership to discuss with Genesis Group?”

“No. Leo was just around the block and thought of visiting,” Nicole explained, smiling.

“Oh. We’re headed for our meeting then.” Steve glanced at Lawrence. Then, he walked off with Sean.

Nicole frowned a little as she stared at Sean and Steve who were leaving. ‘Why do I feel like something’s not right with them?’

“Am I holding you up?” Lawrence questioned doubtfully.

“No. That meeting doesn’t involve me.” Nicole came back to her senses and invited Lawrence into her office.

The secretary brought in their coffees. Then, Nicole gestured to Lawrence to drink some.

“You seem to have a liking for coffee since you came back here.” Lawrence took a sip and praised Nicole’s coffee.

“I’ve always loved coffee, but there was none I really loved while I was on the island.” Nicole held her coffee cup and sipped on it.

She recalled the day when Jared had just caught her. That day, Jared gave her a cup of coffee and mentioned that Nicole’s taste buds were still the same. Nicole’s eyes softened as she smiled unconsciously.

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