My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2243

Chapter 2243

Chapter 2243

Upon hearing Jared’s voice, Lana looked up and exclaimed,” Daddy!”

Jared’s gaze flashed with a touch of softness; Lana’s sweet voice made his heart melt.

After sitting down, everyone enjoyed their breakfast before leaving for work.

“Daddy, can you send us to kindergarten today?” Lana tugged at the seams of Jared’s shirt, begging him.

It had been ages since Jared and Nicole last sent the kids to kindergarten, so Lana wanted them to do so today.

With a smile, Jared promised, “Sure thing.”

Nicole frowned, not supportive of this decision. She was afraid that this would just cause unnecessary trouble.

Understanding what her concern was, Jared comforted her while holding her hand. “We can go over later.”

If there were unscrupulous individuals keeping an eye on the kindergarten, they would probably leave after school hours.

Hearing that, Nicole felt a little more at ease. “Fine.”

“Oh yeah!” Lana was on cloud nine, waving her hands excitedly.

As Jared brought the two kids to the car, Nicole looked over at Tia, who was walking over, and said, “We’re sending them today.”

“Alright, Nicole,” Tia nodded, able to tell how happy Lana was just now.

“You should head back and take care of grandma. She just recovered, some sunshine will be great for her,” Nicole advised.

In return, Tia promised, “Don’t worry, Nicole.”

Tia walked back in once she saw the car driving off.

Inside the car, Nicole chuckled at Lana’s excitement. Jared was all smiles as well, and he could not believe that Lana would be so happy just because they had decided to send them to the kindergarten. Meanwhile, Nolan was the complete opposite. He was rather quiet, seeming to have something on his mind.

“What’s the matter, Nolan?” Nicole asked.

Looking at her, Nolan bit his lips before he whispered.” Mommy, that account has been rather inactive lately. Did it notice I was tracking it?”

Nicole was shocked by this discovery. “You’re still tracking that account?”

“Not actively, but I’ve been monitoring it secretly. It’s just that there’s nothing much going on,” Nolan said in puzzlement.

Perhaps that had occurred because he had been discovered, ruining his plan entirely.

Nicole’s eyes darkened. “Stay calm. He might be watching you too.”

“You mean that he’s waiting for the perfect timing?” Nolan asked, uncertain.

“That’s a possibility,” Nicole replied, though it was just her speculation.

There were only two possibilities that would account for the inactivity. The first would be that their enemy had gotten wind of some information but had not dared to take the plunge yet. The other reason might be that they had found no recent developments. The five crests in question belonged to a centuries-year-old family, so it would not be easy to get ahold of them at all.

“If that’s the case, I will keep waiting,” Nolan nodded in agreement.

A glimmer of light flashed in Nicole’s eyes as she saw Nolan’s growing maturity. She figured this was perhaps good practice for Nolan in the process of growing up. Nicole suddenly felt as though everything had been worthwhile, even though she had found no leads herself.

Following that, Jared took the kids for dessert at a shop near the kindergarten before sending them in.

After they had left the kindergarten, the couple arrived at the headquarters of Riddle Corporation, with Nicole waving goodbye to Jared as she got out of the car. “Bye. I’ll get going.”

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