My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2253

Chapter 2253

Chapter 2253

“Heh.” Nicole chuckled lightly. ‘Since that’s the case, let’s settle everything at once.’

“Nicole, what do you think Harvey is planning to accomplish by helping Everett deal with Uncle Dillon? And about Sky Corporation, do you think it could also be Harvey’s doing?” Steve’s gaze slightly darkened as he asked.

Nicole coldly snorted. “You’re probably right.”

She knew that Steve and Sean had guesses of their own already, and if anything, their thoughts might even be similar to hers. The only problem was that they lacked the evidence to prove it for now.

“What do you plan to do with Uncle Dillon?” Nicole asked, feeling a little conflicted.

If she interfered, she felt that it would be hard for her to be fair and just as Dillon and his family had gone too far. But if she did not step in, it would result in a disgraceful situation, as an outsider would take DillCorp, which was ultimately still a part of the Riddle Family.

“We’ll take action when the time comes.” Nicole smiled with a look of confidence.

And as they have already gotten to know about this, they could obviously not allow Harvey and Everett to succeed.

After thinking for a moment, Steve mustered a look of surprise and said, “Are you saying that…?”

After shrugging her shoulders, Nicole candidly said, “If there are benefits involved, how can we let someone else take advantage of them?”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I was thinking,” Steve agreed, thinking that it was time to strike back too.

Nicole smiled and shook her head as she looked at Steve. She liked it when he would go around gloating like that.

Soon, the two arrived at the Riddle Corporation headquarters.

Just as they had gotten off the car, they happened upon Sean and Jane.

“Hey Sean, Jane,” they greeted, whereupon they entered the building together.

In the elevator, Sean glanced at Steve, who nodded, signaling an unspoken understanding between the two.

Sean knew that Steve had already told Nicole everything, so he did not bring it up. They just needed to wait quietly for the results to come into fruition.

After getting off the elevator, everyone headed to their respective offices.

“Nicole.” Lulu followed Nicole into the office as soon as she saw her.

“What’s the matter?” Nicole raised an eyebrow and looked at her with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

She had a rough idea of what Lulu wanted to talk about.

After all, she had also paid attention to the news on her way here, but she was certain that Lulu, the queen of gossip, knew more.

Seeing the expression on Nicole’s face, Lulu realized that Nicole had already known, so she pouted and said, “You already know about it.”

“Just a little,” Nicole nodded and admitted.

She had only seen a tiny bit of the news online, and she was confident that she did not know as much as Lulu, aptly labeled the queen of gossip.

Hearing this, Lulu beamed and began sharing the juicy details with Nicole.

“I really didn’t expect that! Snow actually had the audacity to climb into someone else’s bed! She must be utterly humiliated right now, hahaha…” Lulu burst into laughter.

Nicole raised her eyebrow a little. When she saw the news, she was rather taken aback too.

“Not only did she offer her body, but she had also deliberately gotten it on camera too. She really shot herself in the foot this time.” Lulu scrunched her face up in disdain.” Say, how did she end up in the wrong room?”

This was the biggest joke of the week among the upper class elites in San Joto. If Snow could not marry Harvey, she would be deprived of a future. Now, the questions remained: would Harvey still want her?

Nicole squinted as she asked, “How did she know Harvey would be staying in that hotel?”

This was San Joto, and the Ellison family had countless properties to their name. Did Harvey have nowhere to stay? Did Harvey really have to choose that hotel in particular? It was also too much of a coincidence that Snow happened to know about it.

Lulu’s eyes widened in surprise. “You mean… No way!”

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