My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2280

Chapter 2280

Chapter 2280

Chapter 2280

“Don’t worry, I’ll be with you all the time,” James reassured Raine, giving her a hug.

Raine blushed and smiled, leaning on James. It didn’t matter that he didn’t come from a fancy family. Right now, he was helping her, and that meant the world.

As the sun went down, June’s apartment was crowded.

“You guys really here to celebrate with me?” Samuel asked, looking a bit unsure as he glanced at his brothers. He felt like they were teasing him.

“You’ve got such a serious face, I bet your proposal didn’t go well,” Spencer said, teasing Samuel.

“Ha! Don’t act like you had better luck,” Samuel replied, giving Spencer a challenging look. “You’re not fooling anyone either.”

Spencer was surprised for a moment, then he frowned at Samuel. “Well, at least I didn’t get caught by paparazzi while dating someone.”

There was no denying it. Samuel had indeed been caught red -handed, so now he had to make the most of the situation and propose.

“Did June not agree?” Stanley asked in a hushed voice.

Samuel’s face stiffened.

Spencer shook his head. “Looks like you guessed right, Stanley.”

Meanwhile, Nicole and the ever-curious Lulu bombarded June with questions.

“Hey, it’s not what you think,” June said.

“What is it then?” Lulu blinked her eyes, looking eager to know.

“Well, you see, yesterday the weather was nice, and after dinner, I thought it would be cool to take a walk with Samuel. But someone spotted us, and it seems like the paparazzi had their eyes on us for a while.” June sighed.

“It’s not surprising that you guys got caught. I mean, everyone knows about his injury, and he didn’t stay home to recover. People are curious,” Lulu thought being caught dating was normal and found it odd if they hadn’t been caught.

“I never thought this apartment would attract attention,” June sighed again.

“Don’t sigh. Getting caught is a good thing! It’s like announcing your relationship. Saves you from all that hesitation,” Lulu lightly bumped June’s shoulder. “I can tell Samuel can’t wait any longer. You better hold onto him tight, or someone else might snatch him away.”

“Don’t jinx me! Keep an eye on your Spencer,” June grumbled, giving Lulu an annoyed look. She wondered why she couldn’t just wish her well.

Lulu’s expression froze for a moment, a hint of sadness flashing in her eyes.

Noticing Lulu’s strange look, June widened her eyes in surprise. “What’s with that look? Don’t tell me…”

Lulu quickly denied it, not wanting June to keep guessing randomly.

Unable to press further, June turned to look at Nicole, silently asking for some explanation.

“Today, we’re here to talk about you and Samuel, so don’t change the subject,” Nicole avoided addressing Lulu’s situation directly. She thought Spencer and Lulu were okay, but it was that Icyln making troubles. However, this wasn’t the right time to bring that up.


Just as June was full of suspicions, the doorbell rang.

“Who could it be?” June got up to answer the door.

“It’s probably Tia and my kids,” Nicole replied.

“Little darlings are here!” June exclaimed happily and went to open the door. As expected, it was Nolan and Lana.

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