My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2334

Chapter 2334

Chapter 2334

Chapter 2334

At this moment, downstairs.

After Spencer and Lulu left, they called a driver which had been designated forthem.

The aforementioned driver arrived after some time. Spencer handed the car keys over and informed him of Lulu’s apartment address.

Once they had gotten into the car, the chauffeur began taking them to Lulu’s apartment.

“I will talk to my mom about our wedding as soon as I get back. Mom is already preparing for Samuel and June’s wedding, so she has the experience. I think she should be able to prepare everything quickly.” Spencer looked at Lulu, his eyes brimming with tenderness.

“Okay,” Lulu blushed and nodded. “Shouldn’t I visit your parents first?”

After all, she and Spencer had decided to get married in this sort of fashion. They had decided to hold a joint wedding with Samuel and June on their own, and this meant that they had not told their parents about it yet.

“Got it.” Spencer gently held Lulu’s hand. “I’ll start planning. You should also give it some thought too. You can let me know if you have any requests or wishes, and we will definitely try to fulfill them.”

“I don’t have any special requests,” Lulu answered.

For her, being able to marry him was probably her biggest wish granted already.

In response, Spencer darted his eyes at Lulu and said, “This is our wedding. Are you really not planning to share any ideas or suggestions?”

Even though they were having a joint wedding with Samuel and June, they could still incorporate their own ideas into the event and express any wishes and desires they had for their future life. He would make sure she was satisfied regardless.

“I’m really fine with it.” Lulu’s cheeks turned red.

After all, it was Spencer’s parents who were organizing

Seeing her reaction, Spencer agreed, “Alright then, let’s follow my family’s arrangement for the wedding. And after our wedding, we can travel to a remote island for our honeymoon. How do you feel about that?”

Lulu’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘ How did you know I…”

This was indeed what she had been thinking, but she was worried that the Riddle family might not agree. After all, the Riddle family was also a prominent household in San Joto. If they chose such a location for their honeymoon, it might attract gossip and rumors.

Spencer smirked. “Why wouldn’t I know?”

She had mentioned weeks prior that she wanted a place where no one would know them, to enjoy a vacation without having to worry about the stares from others, to be free to walk the streets without being swarmed for autographs or photos. It would just be the two of them enjoying a moment of peace.

Such was why he knew what she wanted. He had already planned it and wanted to choose a place like that for their honeymoon. To top it off, they could also embark on vacations together like that every year.

Lulu was extremely moved as she bit her lip a little and whispered, “Thank you, Spencer.”

‘Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for being so kind to me. I’m truly grateful to have met you,’ she continued in her thoughts.

Spencer gently pinched her in the arm and said, “Silly girl, I don’t need your gratitude. You’re already my wife. I’m happy as long as you like what I’ve prepared.”

“I’m not your wife yet,” Lulu’s cheeks turned even redder.

Spencer’s lips curled into a gentle smile as he extended his arm and embraced Lulu. “Soon, you will be.”

Resting in Spencer’s arms, Lulu bit her lips with a smile, feeling an unusual sense of reassurance.

Early in the morning on the next day, Nicole opened her eyes along to the sound of birds chirping.

“Hey, did you sleep well?” Jared’s voice blared out in her ears.

He had woken up as soon as she moved.

She smiled, sat up, and replied, “Yes, I did. Let’s get up.”

They had returned quite late yesterday, and their family members were already asleep by then. Because of this, she did not have the chance to talk to her parents about Spencer and Samuel’s decision yet. Spencer had returned even later than her, so he had most likely not gotten the chance to say anything either. Still, it was a joyful occasion, so it would be better for her to let her parents know about it as soon as possible.

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