My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2380

Chapter 2380

Chapter 2380

She knew that Jared had scooped those dishes for her.

She looked at him with a smile in her eyes and said, “You too.”

“Yeah, let’s dig in,” Jared replied with a gentle gleam in his eyes.

“How’s the arrangement going?” Nicole asked Jared in a hushed voice while eating.

“What do you think?” Jared’s gaze narrowed.

He could tell that Nicole had her own thoughts on this matter as well. So, he needed to consider whether their plans should be integrated.

Nicole shook her head. “I was just asking.”

This prompted a frown out of him as he asked, “Really?”

Feeling a little guilty under his gaze, Nicole chuckled awkwardly. “I really don’t have much to say about your plan. But I just want to add a little something to uproot the problem entirely.”

After a brief pause, Jared said in a low voice, “James.”

“Yes. That guy is no slouch. He’s pretty rapacious too.”

Unfortunately for James, Nicole had caught him with his guard down. It would be a waste if they did not make use of this opportunity to silence him once and for all.

“Alright, I’ll leave the rest to you,” Jared agreed with a doting look in his eyes.

“Thank you,” Nicole replied sweetly.

But then, a mischievous glint crossed Jared’s eyes. “You can thank me in a different way.”

“Stop talking, let’s eat,” Nicole reprimanded with a warning glance.

Jared leaned in closer to Nicole and whispered in her ear, “I thought you wanted to say, ‘Stop talking, kiss me.'”

“Shut up.” Nicole lifted her head to look around in embarrassment.

She was relieved upon seeing that no one was paying attention to them.

Seeing her adorable look with her flushed cheeks, Jared’s beaming smile became even wider.

After a cheerful dinner conversation, everyone returned to the living room where they ate fruits and chatted about their lives. With that said, the family was harmonious and happy, sharing nothing but joyful moments together.

Soon, June and Lulu stood up when they saw that it was getting late. “It’s getting late, and Nicole needs to rest early. We won’t disturb you any longer, so we’ll head back first.”

“Okay. Spencer, accompany Lulu,” Gloria instructed Spencer.

After that, Gloria looked at Samuel. “Are you two going back to the apartment or staying here?”

“I’m going back, and he’s staying,” June decisively stated.

Hearing that, Samuel pouted. “Are you abandoning me?”

June’s cheeks turned red as she shot Samuel a fierce glare.” Don’t spout nonsense now. You’re going home.”

‘What does he mean when he said I was ‘abandoning’ him? He’s almost done recovering and has returned to the Riddle family.’ June thought, feeling that there was no need for Samuel to follow her

back to the apartment.

“I…” Samuel suddenly choked up.

He was indeed back home, but he did not want to stay alone, for he had become accustomed to spending every single day with her.

“What’s wrong? You’re not used to living at home anymore?” Stanley teased.

“In that case, Samuel will stay. Spencer can take June home too.” Gloria pondered for a moment before making her decision.

“Okay, sorry for the trouble, guys.” June readily agreed and looked at Spencer and Lulu gratefully.

“Whv are vou suddenly beino so oolite?” Lulu chuckled.

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