My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2407

Chapter 2407

Chapter 2407

MY WIFE IS A HACKER CHAPTER 2407-At the time of the accident, Spencer had already managed to pull Icyln away. He was sure that neither of them suffered severe injuries. So why would Icyln’s condition be this serious?

Icyln’s personal assistant choked for a second, paused for a moment and continued speaking. “Mr. Spencer, could you come over and visit Icyln now? I’m worried that if something happens, I won’t be able to make any decisions.”

“Uh…” Spencer was hesitant, but what if Icyln was really in a serious situation?

However, Lulu had already taken over his phone and spoke calmly. “First of all, you’re going to find the doctor now.

Then, follow whatever arrangement and decisions the doctor makes. Secondly, Spencer is also injured and requires rest. Even if he were to be there, there’s not much he can do. Lastly, if you really must have someone there, I’ll be there to represent Spencer.”

“In that case… it’s fine. I’ll get the doctor for now,” the personal assistant replied, voice quavering before she hung up the call.

Having heard the busy noises from the other side of the phone earlier, Lulu’s gaze darkened. She could tell that Icyln was fine.

Lulu returned Spencer’s phone and reassured him, “You

should get some rest. Don’t think about anything else. If Icyln really gets into any problems, I’ll visit her on your behalf. n

“Forget it. Her assistant’s there, and there are so many medical personnels around. She’ll be fine.” Spencer also understood the situation. He sighed quietly.

Lulu was a little surprised. “If you ignore her, aren’t you ignoring your teacher’s instructions?”

“My teacher only instructed me to help care about a few things. It wasn’t specified that I’ll have to care about every single detail. After all, Icyln isn’t a minor anymore. She should know how to take care of herself. Not to mention, she has her personal assistant by her side.”

Spencer thought that as long as Icyln did not get severely injured or was in any serious trouble, he would not be going against his teacher’s instructions.

“Alright then.” A warm feeling grew in Lulu’s heart. She knew that Spencer was thinking of her, trying his best not to make her feel sad.

After a while, all the members of the Riddle family had returned home.

Gloria gathered everyone in the dining room for dinner.

Lulu glanced at Nicole and gave Nicole a nod as she helped Spencer down the stairs.

Looking at Spencer’s wounds, Nicole guessed that the injury was not that serious. “Are you okay now?”

“Just a minor injury,” Spencer replied lightly as he did not want everyone to worry about him.

“Even so, you should rest for the next few days,” Gloria advised, still unsettled.

Spencer nodded. “Alright, I got it.”

Gloria then turned to Lulu and said, “Lulu, you should come over more often if you’re not too busy. Otherwise, he’d feel bored at home.”

Lulu blushed a little as she responded, “Will do, Aunt Gloria.”

“Hey, I’ve just recovered and now, it’s your turn to stay at home. We really are a tight pair of brothers,” Samuel teased, shrugging.

Spencer rolled his eyes at him. Don’t speak nonsense.”

“Anyways, I’m going back to the team tomorrow.” Samuel smiled widely as if he was saying, ‘You have no choice but to stay home.’

Gloria rolled her eyes at Samuel. “That’s enough. Let’s eat. We’re here to eat and yet, you’re busy quarreling.”

Chuckling, Samuel smiled innocently. He had been lying in bed for two months and it was finally his time to head outside. Of course, he had to brag about it.

Spencer seemed to have read Samuel’s mind. So, he said sarcastically, “Quit bragging. I won’t be lying in bed as long as you did.”

“Yeah, right! You better not affect my wedding day,” Samuel responded. He wanted to show that he would not back down from his brother’s attack.

“Hmph! That’s my wedding day too!” Of course, Spencer would not want to delay it. In fact, he would never.

After everyone ended the dinner with chatter and laughter, Lulu brought Spencer up to his room again to rest. Then, she bid farewell to everyone. “It’s getting late, so I’ll head back now.”

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