My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2449

Chapter 2449

Chapter 2449

Chapter 2449 Suddenly, Mr. Johnston Sr. became delighted.

"Alright, it's settled then! I'll await your visit tonight." Jared could only give in.

Alright.” “Hmph! My own useless grandson is less capable than Nicole," Mr. Johnston grumbled discontentedly.

Then he smiled at Nicole and said, "I'll be waiting for you all tonight." "Bye, Grandpa," Nicole responded with a smile, nodding.

Finally satisfied, Mr. Johnston Sr. left.

Nicole raised her gaze to look at Jared.

"Why didn't you tell me about your grandfather all this time?" "There were too many things on your plate, so I didn't want you to be distracted," Jared explained softly.

He initially believed that Nicole would remember when her memories returned.

However, things had not unfolded as he expected.

Since everyone knew about this now, and Nolan and Lana's identities were going to be announced to the public, Jared figured that there was no need for him to keep it from Nicole anymore.

Understanding his intentions, Nicole stopped condemning him.

But now that they knew, it was time to visit his family's elders.

Jared patted her head affectionately and said softly, "I'm glad you understand.” Nicole could not help but roll her eyes playfully.

''No need to be so serious.

It's not that big of a deal." Besides, Jared was considering her well-being.

He was not being selfish.

"Nicole!" Lulu burst into the room in a hurry.

She froze when she saw Jared there.

"Hello, Mr. Johnston." After seeing the urgency on Lulu's face, Jared said, "I'll be leaving now since you're busy." "Sure." Nicole smiled.

After Jared left, Lulu walked up to Nicole and teased, "Did I interrupt something?" She did not expect Jared to be there, which was why she barged in like that.

Nicole rolled her eyes at Lulu.

"It's late.

Do you have something urgent to discuss?" Lulu's expression instantly turned serious.

"Yes, well...

Raine has gone missing." Lulu's face turned pale with concern.

"How did she disappear?" Nicole asked in surprise.

'Given Raine's current condition, where could she have gone?' “We don't know.

She went to DillCorp the other day, went back home, and never stepped out again.

We thought she was just resting due to her injuries, but today we realized she's been missing for who knows how long," Lulu said, her face turning paler.

As of now, they only knew that Raine was missing, with no other details.

"So be it then," Nicole replied indifferently.

“But what if she holds a grudge and tries to harm you?" The person Raine should resent the most was James, but he was arrested now.

If Raine wanted to take revenge on someone, her primary target was most probably Nicole.

Nicole said calmly, "She's not capable enough." Lulu furrowed her eyebrows.

"If it's not that, then where could she have gone?" With DillCorp gone, James arrested, and her family cutting ties with the Riddle family, there was nowhere else for Raine to turn.

Where could she be? Nicole's eyes narrowed as she asked, 'What about the others?" "Well..." Lulu pondered before replying, "Dillon and Karen are at home every day, looking extremely upset.

They seem to be on the verge of a breakdown." Now, in Dillon's family, Preston was the only one who was behaving normally.

The others appeared eerie and emotionally unstable.

"Does Raine get yelled at home all the time?" Nicole wondered.

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