My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2451

Chapter 2451

Chapter 2451

Chapter 2451

"Nicole?" Martin sounded confused.

"I'm going to Roma General Hospital for an examination shortly.

Can you come over?" Nicole asked carefully.

"Is it the examination arranged by your friend?" "Yes,"' Nicole admitted truthfully.

She had already discussed this with Martin before, and he had mentioned that he wanted to come along, which was why she called him.

"Got it.

I'll come over now." Martin responded.

"Thank you.

See you at the hospital later." Nicole then hung up the phone.

With everything arranged, Nicole left her office.

Lulu had also come out of her office and was ready to accompany Nicole.

"Are we leaving now?" "Yes, let's go." Nicole nodded and exited the company with Lulu.

Lawrence arrived just in time too.

"Hey, Nicole," Lawrence said, smiling gently.

After greeting Nicole, he glanced at Lulu and nodded in her direction.

“Mr. Lawrence," Lulu greeted him politely.

Her attitude was not overly enthusiastic, but it was not cold either.

Lawrence narrowed his brown eyes.

He felt that Lulu was somewhat strange, but he could not figure out why.

He knew this person was not only Spencer's fiancee but also Nicole's close friend, so she was an important person to Nicole.

“Let's go, Leo." Nicole moved slightly to block Lawrence's view of Lulu.

Sensing Nicole's action, Lulu's expression stiffened for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure, acting as if nothing had happened.

She knew that even though she was trying to appear natural, Lawrence had sensed something.

He was indeed quite perceptive.

Nicole was helping her back there.

Without Nicole, she might have aroused Lawrence's suspicions and caused unnecessary trouble for Nicole.

"Thanks for this, Leo," Nicole said.

"Don't be so polite with me." His tone was extremely gentle.

"Just relax.

Having a calm state of mind will help your amnesia too." "Okay." Nicole smiled.

Lulu was relieved as she listened to Nicole and Lawrence chatting away.

She was clenching her jaw trying to make herself calm down.

‘I've got to be steadier.

I can't bring Nicole any trouble.' After some time, their car stopped at the hospital.

Lawrence led Nicole and Lulu to the inspection room that was booked, where they saw a man with blonde hair and gold- rimmed glasses.

He seemed like a well-mannered man and was looking at Nicole.

"Is she the one?" the blond man asked.

"Yes, thank you," Lawrence answered politely.

He seemed quite courteous to this man.

Nicole's eyes narrowed subtly.

This was the first time she had seen Lawrence showing such an attitude toward others.

"Nicole, although Hanwick may look young, his medical skills are very advanced.

You can put your faith in him," Lawrence reassured Nicole.

"Okay, thank you," Nicole replied politely and nodded at Hanwick as a sign of acknowledgment.

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