My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2514

Chapter 2514

Chapter 2514

MY WIFE IS A HACKER CHAPTER 2514-Nicole’s gaze was stern as she dialed Max’s number. “Max, you mentioned this morning that Lawrence left San Joto with another person.”

“Yes, that individual was heavily disguised, so we couldn’t determine their identity. We’ve checked their departure records, and there were no records of this person’s identity either,” Max explained.

Hesitating for a moment, Nicole pondered, ‘Lawrence left San Joto for Mecrounia, but I heard that things are quite peaceful over there. Why did Lawrence return so suddenly? Everett has mysteriously gone missing, and Lawrence took an unknown person back with him. It seems that these two things must be related.’

“Everett might be gone. Please check on him,” Nicole ordered.

“You think Lawrence might have brought Everett with him?” Max gasped.

“There’s a possibility. Lulu said Everett has been unusually quiet now that NandoCorp is in turmoil. It’s very suspicious,” Nicole stated after analyzing the situation.

Furthermore, disappearing without a trace was noy something Everett would usually do.

“I got it,” Max replied. “I’ll handle it right now.”

After hanging up, Nicole gritted her teeth, feeling rather conflicted about Lawrence. If Lawrence had really brought Everett with him, Nicole could only wonder when they had gotten in touch with each other and what sort of deal they had planned to strike with one another.

Nicole was filled with questions, but she could only investigate them by herself. This meant that Lawrence would no longer tell her the truth. Sighing, Nicole was suddenly overcome with depression. After all, Lawrence was the one who had saved her that year, and she had never expected things to turn out the way they did with the man who had essentially rescued her.

Meanwhile, Jared had overheard the conversation between Nicole and Max while Max was in his office.

“Show no mercy to NandoCorp,” Jared coldly declared.

If Everett was truly looking to pull a trick with Lawrence as his ace, they need not show any restraint anymore.

“Understood,” Max replied. ‘Til be right on it.”

Then, Jared continued, “Get someone to monitor Lawrence in Mecrounia discreetly.”

He would not give Lawrence the opportunity to act in such a way that it would harm him and Nicole.

“There’s something else. We’ve received information that someone has seen a mercenary with the same mark as the group that assailed Mrs. Johnston in Mecrounia. Could it be them?” Max informed, his tone solemn.

“Dig into both of them, then,” Jared stated, having finally acquired news about this after such a lengthy period of investigation.

“Understood,” Max replied, leaving Jared’s office promptly.

Jared then walked up to the window, his gaze pensive as he looked out into the distance.

Time flew, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The news of NandoCorp’s bankruptcy sent shockwaves throughout San Joto.

In the morning, Jared and Nicole headed to DillCorp after dropping the kids off at preschool.

In the car, Nicole leaned against her seat and lamented,” Well, aren’t you quick to action? You actually caused them to declare bankruptcy.”

“Max confirmed that Lawrence did indeed take Everett away. ” Jared looked at Nicole and said. “Why do you think he took Everett away at a time like this?”

Tongue tied, Nicole composed herself and replied, “He did save my life, but I will show him no mercy if he attempts to sabotage Riddle Corporation.”

Nicole understood Jared’s reminder.

Jared was quite satisfied with Nicole’s reaction. Any hesitation now would only work in the detriment of the Riddle family and Riddle Corporation. Fortunately, Nicole was level headed about what she needed to do at this juncture.

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