My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2520

Chapter 2520

Chapter 2520

Jared slowly lowered his head, their eyes meeting one another before he leaned in closer, allowing their lips to meet.

As the kiss became even more passionate, it grew sloppy.

Alarmed by the sudden shift in tone, Nicole struggled, attempting to break free, but to no avail.

She succumbed to Jared's arms that night.

The next day, the sun shone warm and bright, and everyone gathered in the dining room for breakfast.

"Nicole, I heard you went to your grandpa's place last night.

Is he alright?" Daniel asked.

"He's doing well.

I paid him a visit to keep him posted about the latest plans of the company," Nicole explained.

"It was about NandoCorp, wasn't it? As long as your grandpa agrees to it,'' Daniel softly said, fully respecting Nicole's decision to reacquire NandoCorp and make it a part of Riddle Corporation once more.

Nicole nodded.

"Yeah, I've talked it out with him and he's fully onboard on it." "That's good to hear," Daniel agreed, warm with relief.

"Did he say anything else?" Samuel asked.

Nicole swept her glance across Samuel and Spencer before turning to look at Stanley.

"The only other thing he said was to urge someone to settle down." "What are you looking at me for? I can't help it if he keeps urging me to settle down.

Grandpa didn't have to push you now, did he?" Stanley protested, his voice cracking as settling down was a sensitive topic for him.

"Well, he didn't but I just want to say that you, being single, have placed Ellar in a much tougher situation.

He's being forced to settle down every so often now," Nicole chuckled.

“How about Emery?" Stanley asked, unable to wrap his head around how Ellar was being forced to settle down so early when his brother, Emery, had not done so.

Nicole shrugged.

"Emery isn't in a rush to settle down, so naturally, Ellar became the target.

His mom also used you as an example in which your younger brothers have settled down before you.' "However, I feel that they should consider the situation of a person first before jumping to conclusions.

If you can't find anyone you're compatible with, you can always go with the blind dates our parents have suggested.

Perhaps you'll meet the love of your life there," Nicole reminded.

"I think this is a great idea! Why didn't I think of this before? I'm going to go get a fine lady for our Stanley here," Gloria exclaimed.

"Mom, I actually..." Stanley resisted, wanting to secure his freedom, but Gloria was having none of it today.

"Forget it.

If you keep going at this rate, you're going to grow old and die alone." "Mom, you can worry about your future daughter in law later.

How about this? You can go with Aunt Emma and pick a match for Emery instead," Nicole suggested.

Gloria nodded her head in agreement.

"Yeah, I'll call her after breakfast is over with this great news.

I bet she's already on her toes." Stanley frowned at Nicole and whispered, "You were forced to settle down too.

Why did you have to drag us into this?" "I'm doing this for your own good, and for your information, I've already decided when to host my wedding," Nicole boasted.

"You decided...," Stanley teased as he faked a few coughs in an attempt to mock Nicole.

"Is it true?!" Spencer and Samuel, having overheard the conversation, were also surprised by Nicole's sudden decision.

"Yeah, am I not allowed to?" Nicole glared at her brothers.

' What's with that look they're giving me?'

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