My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2632

Chapter 2632

Chapter 2632

“Not really, but at the end of the day, he is a renowned doctor. He might have his

own working habits, so we shouldn’t make any decisions on his behalf,” Chloe

explained, trying to appear considerate.

“You’ve thought this through, indeed.” Nicole nodded in agreement.

However, Chloe began panicking. ‘Why does everything about this seem off?

How could she easily agree to everything I say?’

Nicole then asked, “So, does Ghost Hand intend to perform this surgery


“Well…” Chloe stuttered, instantly left speechless.

In truth, even the likes of Ghost Hand could not possibly perform a surgery of

such scale alone, no matter how skilled he was.

“I heard that Ghost Hand came alone without a team of doctors. He’s not used

to cooperating with others and can’t perform the surgery without any assistance.

Chloe, are you sure the Ghost Hand you’ve found isn’t a fraud?” Nicole looked

at Chloe with her brows furrowed.

“Of course not. I’ve been looking for him for several years. How could he be

fake?” Chloe anxiously defended herself.

“Well then, he’s truly a miracle worker. It seems that he can perform surgeries

without anything! Is he using magic?” Nicole blinked her eyes curiously.

Chloe’s face turned pale. After all, nobody could turn to something as

nonsensical as magic to heal anyone.

“Nicole just wants to help. Moreover, Martin is already a medical professor. It’s

not easy for him to come over and serve as an assistant. Having him help will

make the surgery more secure and more likely to succeed,” Mr. Riddle Sr.

agreed with Nicole.

“Besides, haven’t you sought him out before? You should be familiar with him.

Don’t you trust Martin?” Nicole asked, and flashed Chloe a look of


Unable to argue any further, Chloe gritted her teeth and agreed, “Well, thank

you for your help then, Nicole.”

She nearly ground her teeth when she said “Nicole”. She knew there would be

trouble when Nicole was involved.

“You’re all here. Sorry for the delay.” Martin arrived and smiled at Chloe. “Don’t

be nervous. I believe that your surgery will be successful.”

“Dr. Wyance, you’re the one helping us, and we’re the ones who should be

grateful. It’s just that you’re already a medical professor, so forcing you into a

position as an assistant feels like an insult to your talents. We can’t possibly

afford your help,” Miley said, knowing Chloe could no longer refuse.

She knew that she had to say something without being too direct about it.

At this juncture, there was no way out for them. If she did not say something,

they would automatically be forced to accept his help, and it would be a disaster

for her and her daughter if things spiral out of their control.

They thought they had handled everything perfectly, without giving Nicole any

leverage. What they did not expect was that Nicole would persevere and

arrange for Martin to be their doctor’s assistant, which was a clear indication of

an ulterior motive.

Not minding the fact that he would be relegated to his position as an assistant,

Martin said, “Ma’am, you’re exaggerating. It’s my honor to learn from the Ghost


“It’s almost time. Chloe, you should get ready. Martin needs to prepare as well,”

Nicole urged, not giving them a chance to refuse the offer.

“Go on. If the surgery goes well, you’ll be able to stand up in the future,” Mr.

Riddle Sr. instructed.

With no way out, Chloe could only agree. “Okay.”

As Martin was leaving, he shot a bullet of a glance at Nicole, who gave him a

light nod. Martin then strode off. Then, Chloe gave Nicole a resentful look and

wheeled herself forward, leaving as well.

“I’ll accompany you.” Miley followed Chloe, feeling uneasy.

“Dad, let’s find a place to wait. This surgery will take several hours,” Damien

said to Mr. Riddle Sr.

“Let’s just wait here, Damien. Everyone is nervous about

Chloe,” Dillion advised with a look of genuine concern.

In turn, Damien glared at Dillion. He refused to believe that Dillion could be so


“Dad, there are some chairs over there. Let’s go take a seat.” Karen suggested,

playing along.

“Okay.” Mr. Riddle Sr. said, and went off to the row ofchairs to take a seat.

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