My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 2682

Chapter 2682

Chapter 2682


The investigation in San Joto had been making no progress.’ Who could’ve done this, and why is it so mysterious?’ ‘Is it also because of Nicole’s Fire Crest, or is it for something else?’ he wondered.

His phone suddenly rang. He saw that it was from Ian and answered it.

“Mr. Royce, I feel like our investigation is being hindered. It’s like there’s a force that’s confusing our vision,” Ian said helplessly.

Their investigation always seemed like they were about to get results, but in the end, it all turned out to be empty.

Thinking it over, he always felt that someone must have manipulated things behind the scenes for it to turn out like this.

Lawrence fell silent for a moment. “Then don’t investigate,” he said sarcastically.

“Huh?” Ian was surprised. ‘Just… stop?’ “We won’t find anything even if we investigate. The person you’re talking about should be Jared.” Lawrence had already figured out that if someone had done this, it was likely Jared.

“So we really won’t investigate any further?” Ian still did not want to give up.

Lawrence sighed. “Forget it. Just have someone secretly keep an eye on Nolan and Lana, and make sure they don’t get into trouble.”

“Understood,” Ian agreed. Then he asked, “Mr. Royce, how are things on your end?”

“Not going well.” Lawrence felt somewhat annoyed. ‘If we couldn’t crack it, does that mean we have to give up?’ “Do you need someone else’s help?” Ian asked.

“Who else can I find?” Lawrence felt frustrated.

“Well…” Ian choked. It seemed like they could only find Nicole, but they did not dare to gamble on the results of reaching out to her.

“Okay, just handle your own tasks.” Lawrence hung up the phone.

After putting away the phone, he picked up a wine glass and took a sip, his expression becoming even more annoyed.

He had not expected things to go so poorly during this visit.

The Fire Crest had returned to Nicole’s hands. Although Nicole did not say anything, she must have some resentment toward him.

Moreover, at some point, Nicole might regain her memory, which would put him in an even more disadvantageous position.

He had thought that there would be a turning point after obtaining the Water Crest, but he still could not get it.

Now, he only had two options-to give up the Water Crest or ask for Nicole’s help before they officially cut ties.

The problem was, if Nicole helped him, no one knew what the result would be. If the Water Crest recognized its master again, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. Lawrence emptied the wine in one gulp. Then he placed the empty glass heavily on the coffee table.

Taking a deep breath, Lawrence got up and strode out, entering a room behind him.

“How’s it going?” He sounded displeased.

“Mr. Royce, we’ve done our best,” the other party said timidly.

“What’s the use of useless people like you?!” Lawrence exploded in anger.

The room fell silent, and no one dared to make a sound, not even daring to breathe.

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