My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 453

Chapter 453

Chapter 453

Chapter 453

It had been over a month since he received the news that Jared had returned to San Joto, yet this unfilial grandson had not even come to see him.

Jared knew very well what his grandfather was angry about. He casually took a few steps forward to come in front of his grandfather, looked at the crutch in his hand, and raised an eyebrow.

“I didn’t know that you had started using crutches.” Mr. Johnston Sr. used to be a soldier and had always been tough. Jared had never gotten word that his grandfather’s health had declined, even to the point of having to walk on crutches.

Hearing Jared’s evasive reply, Mr. Johnston Sr.’s face turned grave. He wielded the crutch in his hand, wanting to spank Jared. When Jared did not dodge, he reduced the force of his hand and shifted the direction of his crutch to avoid hitting his waist. So Jared was unharmed.

Jared seemed to have expected what would happen. He looked at Mr. Johnston Sr. as usual and answered his last question.

“It was boring abroad. I came back to help you.” He looked at Mr. Johnston Sr.’s startled expression and then continued. “You will allow me, will you?”

Mr. Johnston Sr. did not expect Jared to say such a thing.

“You help me?” He repeated Jared’s words with a look of surprise on his face.

As Jared nodded, Mr. Johnston Sr.’s expression immediately eased up. He coughed softly and studied Jared. “Just tell me; you have a favor to ask from me, don’t you? Whatever I can give you, I will give you.”

He knew Jared would not have come back to help him had he not had something to ask from him.

Jared shook his head and glanced at his grandfather, then walked aside to pick up the still steaming cup of tea and took a sip.

His grandfather did not say it out but was still very happy to hear the news that he had come to see him. Otherwise, his grandfather would not have prepared two teacups filled with freshly brewed tea.

A smile spread across Jared’s face, and he looked back at his grandfather.

“I don’t need any help from you; you just need to enjoy your tea and take a good rest,” he said faintly, which meant he would handle and clean up all threats for his grandfather.

Mr. Johnston Sr. looked at him and felt pleased. But he still could not help asking, “Is there really nothing you need help with?”

The more Jared said he did not need his grandfather’s help, the more his grandfather felt he needed to compensate his grandson for something.

Mr. Johnston Sr. really thought he owed it to Jared, who had given up his freedom and future

abroad and returned to this old mansion of his for an old man like him. He could not help but pity this grandson of his. Jared seemed to have seen through Mr. Johnston Sr. He rubbed the cup made of porcelain in his hand with part of his face in the sunlight, making his skin look even fairer. “I just hope that you can accept someone,” he said faintly. Just as Mr. Johnston Sr. wanted to ask something, Jared’s phone suddenly rang. Jared stood up and made an apologetic gesture to Mr. Johnston Sr., then walked aside to answer the call.

Mr. Johnston Sr. looked at Jared with a startled expression and started to recall what Jared had just said. He seemed to have overheard the voice on the other side of the phone.

Could it be Before Mr. Johnston Sr. could figure things out, Jared had hung up the phone and walked over to him, and looked at his grandfather with a frosty face. And there was no longer a hint of ridicule in his voice but a swift wind and rain. “Now, I really need your help with something.” His voice no longer sounded nonchalant but urgent.

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