My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

Nicole returned to the Royal Creek Institute, and as she was just about to turn around and walk toward the café, she heard an extraordinarily emotional voice coming from behind her.


She looked back and saw Austin running quickly toward her with a few people.

People who thought of coming up to Nicole to ask something quickly ducked aside when they saw Austin.

They wondered why Austin always appeared around Nicole.

They were even curious about the relationship between Nicole and Sebastian, wanting to come over and ask Nicole about it.

But because of Austin's presence, they did not get a chance to do so.

Austin did not care what was going on in the minds of those people.He came up to Nicole excitedly.

"Boss, how was your exam?"

Nicole raised an eyebrow, not knowing which exam h e was talking about, but it did not make a difference t o her.

"It was ok."

Austin knew his boss had always been low-key.

Even i f she was the first in the entire school, she would not get carried away, so he did not ask her much about it.

"Boss, I could answer all the questions in the monthly exam I took today," he said excitedly.

Sammey and others behind him were beaming, looking at Nicole with gratitude in their eyes.

Had it not been for Nicole giving them high-intensity, special training for over half a month, they would not have performed so well on the exam.

They never imagined the exams that they had always struggled with could one day become a place where they were in their element.

Many of the people around, who had not gone far, heard what Austin said and also stumbled.

‘Is that a joke, or are we hallucinating? Austin said he did well in the test?! They cast a questioning and mocking eye over Nicole, but she ignored them.

She looked at the boys in front of her and smiled gently.

"Well done," she said.

Her smile was as beautiful as the first sunbeam glistening on the dew.

Everyone was awestruck.

Austin looked at his boss, scratching his head with a simper.

'By the time I reach the top twenty, Nicole would be my boss, ' he thought to himself.

The weather grew colder in October.

They chuckled, wanting to find a place to eat.

Nicole thought for a moment and thought of asking June, Lulu, and Bradley out.

'The more the people, the merrier" she thought.

Besides, she had promised to treat them to dinner.

Since the monthly exam was over, Lulu and others quickly came out.

Among them was Jimmy, whom Nicole had not seen for a long time.

He let out ashy smile when he saw Nicole.

Nicole gave him a friendly nod.

As they all walked out happily, Lulu suggested going t o the fondue restaurant where Nicole had brought them to last time.

Everyone agreed.

It was the best weather for steaming fondue.

Everyone enjoyed it, and many of them even proposed to drink.

Nicole did not want to kill their buzz, so she agreed.

After all, the youngest one here was also an adult; drinking was completely legal.

Lulu took a sip of the beer as Jimmy looked on.

Her face flushed, and she stood up wobbly and said slowly, 'Do you know it will be our school's centennial celebration soon? I heard that every college is going to give a performance.The student union has put up a notice; that the Royal Creek Institute's major performance is actually a drama.It is said that auditions will be held throughout the school, and it is open for all, regardless of grades."

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