My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 561

Chapter 561

Chapter 561

Chapter 561

‘What else if not because of your lousy presentation?’ But he did not say it out loud, and Luke ignored him. As Sebastian walked toward Nicole, he looked on, and his suspicion was finally confirmed.

‘I did not expect that the naïve-looking Riddle family could secretly build such a relationship with Sebastian to the point where even Sebastian’s own son could do nothing about it.’ Taylor was also stupefied as he saw Sebastian and Nicole standing together and talking so happily with each other. He did not know that Nicole knew Sebastian earlier.

Mr. Riddle Sr. stood to the side, looking at the attitude of the people around him toward Nicole, and clearly felt something strange.

‘Why are these people looking for Nicole when they are supposed to come to meet me? Could it be that those people who came yesterday were actually because of Nicole?’ Seeing Nicole chatting with a group of businessmen, Mr. Riddle Sr. had a complicated look in his eyes. Even Damien and Dexter looked at Nicole in amazement and disbelief. They had invited Sebastian multiple times, but this was the first time Sebastian had come to the Riddle Mansion.

And when Sebastian came in, he was friendly to them. Damien and Dexter had never enjoyed such treatment from him. They looked at Sebastian, stupefied, as Sebastian greeted them with a smile.

Seeing their nonreaction, Mr. Riddle Sr. glared at them and chided them. “What are you doing? “Don’t be so rude! Damien and Dexter came to their senses at once, looked at Sebastian, and greeted him back. Just that they still felt surreal. Chloe also saw Sebastian. She held her skirt and quickly came over, as she could not wait to talk to Sebastian.

Sebastian looked at Nicole, who was by Mr. Riddle Sr.’s side, with a smile, and then came up to her. “How was your monthly exam?” he asked. Nicole looked at him and replied casually, “Not bad.”

Everyone watched with their mouths agape as Nicole chatted with Sebastian. ‘I can’t believe that Nicole can talk so naturally to Mr. Wyance, and Mr. Wyance cares so much about her grades. It’s incredible.’

Sean and Steve had noticed what was going on, and that seemed to confirm their suspicion. They did not expect that the person in the Riddle family who knew Sebastian would turn out to be their sister.

Daniel might have known that Sebastian knew his daughter, but he did not expect them to be so close.

Chloe watched what happened with surprise and jealousy; she also did not expect Nicole and Sebastian knew each other. The thought of Lloyd and Jared’s attitude toward Nicole yesterday came to mind. ‘She is obviously just a yokel; how the hell did she get to know these people?’ Her face contorted with envy at the thought of this.

Snow, who stood beside Chloe, said in a whisper, “Is that guy who is talking to Nicole someone important? It seems that people’s attitude toward him is unusual.”

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