My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 590

Chapter 590

Chapter 590

Chapter 590

Nicole and Carl returned to the Turmann manor as she parked the Dodge Tomahawk at the back.She then bid Carl goodbye before walking to her room.

By the time she returned to her room, the silver-white glint had unsurprisingly disappeared as it must have been stored away by Elijah.She looked away, and when she saw the item on her table, she paused a little.

Although the computer was on, its screen was in sleep mode.

Yet, the paper in front of the computer caused her eyes to twitch a little.

Although the other party had tried to restore it, Nicole had mastered a certain pattern when she put it down, so she could tell at a glance that someone had touched the piece of paper.

There was someone who came into her room and saw the chip she had inserted into the computer.

Nicole quickly checked through and confirmed that no one had touched her computer.

The person seemed to be confident that Nicole would not be able to find anything even with the chip in hand.

Therefore, the other party only touched on that simplified blueprint.

Thinking of this, Nicole's eyes twitched a little as she turned on the computer again and casually hacked the surveillance camera on the third floor.

As she looked at the people that came and went while she was out, she seemed to have locked onto something and immediately sent out a message.

Barely two minutes later, the other party sent the stuff she wanted over.

She looked at the name, but there was no surprise in her eyes.

The next morning, Carl knocked on Nicole's door, and when he saw her opening it, he titled his head a little at let out a rather silly smile.

"Dad called us downstairs.He said that he has a guest coming."

Nicole nodded softly as she put the thing in her hand down and got up to leave with Carl.

Along the way, Carl was talking to her, and when they got to the second floor, a burst of chatter rang out behind them as a group of girls from the Turmann branch families walked over together.

The leading girl was sweet - looking, not unlike a very delicate doll.

Everyone surrounded her and was seemingly saying something to her, yet she looked a little gloomy.It was until when she saw Carlisle did her eyes lit up.

Seemingly knowing what she was thinking, the other girls also teased her as they accompanied her toward Carl.

Vera shyly looked at the man before her as a blush appeared on her face.She looked extremely lovely as she said somewhat bashfully.

"Hello, Carlisle."

Carl gave her a puzzled look.

In fact, he had no recollection of this girl at all, but out of courtesy, he still nodded at her.

Immediately after, he looked away and continued to talk to Nicole as if he did not want to give that girl any attention at all.

Vera's looked at this dazzling scene before her as her bashful eyes froze.

Only then did she notice Nicole and start to get a measure of the latter.She was not home yesterday, but she had heard the girls telling her that Carlisle had brought a Hustuaburgian girl back.

He seemed to take good care of the girl, and even the master of the family treated her very differently, even handing over some authority to her.

All these were previously handled by Aunt Merry.

She was originally dismissive of such rumors but by the looks of things, how Carlisle was treating the lady really shocked her!

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