My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Vivian stared at the results on the blackboard. ‘Ms. Emerson did this intentionally! ‘Other than Nicole, those that were chosen were good friends of hers in the class!’ What made Vivian the angriest was that Gary was voted as the lead actor! Vivian was jealous and brokenhearted at the thought of Nicole starring alongside Gary. ‘This was a golden opportunity. But Nicole took it away from me!’ Vivian was furious! 1 Ms. Emerson left without allowing Vivian to object.

Nicole was utterly surprised too. It was obvious that Ms. Emerson planned that. It seemed like she was afraid that Nicole would turn down the lead actress role. That was why Ms. Emerson made the class vote. Nicole was popular recently. Naturally, everyone would vote for her to impress her.

Nicole did not even want to participate in this pointless thing. But Ms. Emerson left right after announcing the results. It was obvious that Ms. Emerson was afraid that Nicole would reject the role.

Nicole sighed. She knew she could only talk to Ms. Emerson about it after school. Vivian walked toward her just as she thought about that. “Nicole, I want you to find Ms. Emerson to quit the lead actress role.”

Nicole was furious suddenly. She raised her head as she looked at Vivian’s justly face.

“Why should I?”

Nicole did not want the role initially. But after hearing what Vivian said, she did not want to quit anymore.

“Why? Because you’re from the countryside. You don’t even understand a single thing about the play. You’re not good enough for Gary too!”

There was a dead silence suddenly.

Gary’s eyes were filled with coldness as he looked at Vivian.

Nicole thought for a bit. “Oh, no wonder you were always against me these days. And you wanted to take the lead actress role so badly. It was all for Gary?” she smiled.

She then intentionally glanced at Gary. He looked embarrassed suddenly.

“Nicole, what nonsense are you talking about?” Gary did not want to be dragged into her fight with Vivian.

“Nonsense? Look at her expression.” Nicole smiled playfully. She knew exactly what was going on in Vivian’s mind.

Vivian’s face turned red suddenly as she glanced at Gary. She then said shyly, “Enough crap, Nicole. Just tell me whether or not you’ll give up the lead actress role!” Nicole stared at Vivian as she laughed like a flower suddenly. “Initially, I didn’t want to participate in this play. I was going to find Ms. Emerson after school to tell her about it. But I didn’t like your attitude. So… I decided not to quit.”

“What?” Vivian froze suddenly. She did not expect her action made Nicole change her decision. She was furious suddenly. “Stop acting nice! I don’t believe you wouldn’t want to play such a good character!”

“It’s just a play. It’s just to play the gallery to seek the special guests’ attention. Do I look like I lack attention?” Nicole raised her eyebrows as she asked the rhetorical question. It was completely silent suddenly. Indeed, Nicole did not need to fight for the role like everyone else.

Mr. Ellison and Mr. Wyance are the two biggest shots. She did not need to fight over the acting role.

Vivian was fuming suddenly. She knew she could not win the argument against Nicole. She could only stomp as she said, “Nicole, don’t flatter yourself! W-We’ll see!” ‘I’ll not lose to her!’ Nicole nodded her head as she smiled coldly. “Anytime.”

Vivian could not help but stomp as she left.

Gary felt an unexplainable excitement as she looked at Nicole’s face when she was provoking Vivian. ‘Does this mean Nicole wants to star alongside me in the play?’

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