My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 711

Chapter 711

Chapter 711

Chapter 711

“No… it’s not like that.”

Seeing that Snow wanted to step forward to touch him, Harvey took a step back and causing her to miss. Everyone was shocked. ‘Did Harvey just distance himself from Snow before everyone? ‘What’s going on?’

Harvey, however, straight up ignored the crowd as he stared at Snow and said, “Snow, your recent foolishness is beyond my ability to tolerate. Stop using my name to do anything from now on. There’s nothing between us any longer.” “What?!” Snow was shocked. She did not at all expect that Harvey would say something like that just because she was teaching that b*tch, Norah, a lesson!

‘Nothing between us any longer…

‘That is to say, I can’t even stay beside him as a female companion?’

“No! Harvey! Please, don’t! Whatever weakness I have, I can change!” Snow pleaded to him.

Yet, Harvey’s expression was icy cold. “You can’t change foolishness.” For the usually affable Harvey to say something like this, everyone was stunned. Harvey had never been so indifferent to someone before.

As he said that, Harvey did not wait for Snow to react and led his classmates into the rehearsal hall.

Snow was just left there in a daze, and she almost fell. It was only with the support of her classmates behind her that she could barely regain her footing. When Stanley saw the scene, he could only sigh. Everything was Snow’s own doing, and it was outside his control.

Soon, everyone returned to the rehearsal hall and used the hall for rehearsal based on the timetable arranged by Stanley.

On the way back, Lulu could not help but say to Nicole, “I never thought that we’d get such dramas to watch just by coming to the rehearsal.”

“Yeah, and I guess that Snow and Raine were just boasting, and both Gary and Harvey had nothing to do with them.”

Nicole looked at Gary and the other two guys following behind her and reminded them in a whisper. “Don’t gossip until when we get back. Don’t let them hear it.” “Yeah, Nicole is right!” Lulu immediately covered her mouth. San Joto, film site–

As Chloe was unable to finalize her role in Lukewarm, so she could only take on some small drama roles in the country as she asked her manager to help her secure the ambassadorship for the Johnston Group.

If she could get the ambassadorship for Johnston Group, then she would have a chance to approach Jared

As she thought of that, she spaced out again. Upon hearing the director calling for a cut, a look of impatience and irritation appeared in her eyes,

This was already the eleventh time, and the reason was that the feeling was not right.

She was already doing her best in the shooting, yet somehow the feel was not right, and she felt that the director was deliberating trying to embarrass her. The director gave Chloe a resigned look. The dissatisfaction in his eyes was almost palpable.” Chloe, what’s the matter with you? Why are you spacing out like a log?” Together on the set today with Chloe was Lloyd, and he had seen Chloe’s acting skills when he was overseas.

Looking at the director’s dissatisfied look and the aggrieved look in Chloe’s eyes, a glint appeared in his eyes. “How about we stop here for today and allow Ms. Riddle to find her feel back.”

Chloe looked at Lloyd when she heard that and felt glum. ‘When I was overseas, Lloyd Holder played a cameo role on the set, yet he did not give me any face at all. Now that I’m back in the country, he’s the male lead, and I’m just a supporting character. With that, he is even more arrogant.’

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