My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 724

Chapter 724

Chapter 724

Chapter 724

Gary did not bother to talk to her, his face stony as he looked at the girl as if looking at a dead person.

“Whoever you are, I advise you not to pick a fight with Nicole again.” Instead of the usual playful look in his eyes, he carried a kind of ruthless indifference. “Otherwise, I’ll make you regret coming into this world. ” Gary’s eyes had never been so frightening.

The girl looked at him, trembling in fright. She scrambled to her feet and ran out like a bat out of hell. She could no longer care what Raine had told her.

Raine was stunned at seeing what happened, not expecting that Gary was still so protective of Nicole, despite Nicole having rejected him. “Why are you so protective of her, Gary?” She could no longer bear it and pointed at Nicole. “She has just rejected you, hasn’t she?”

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Jack and Wayne could not help but glance at each other.

‘No wonder Nicole looked so grave at the mention of Gary. It turned out that Gary had just confessed to Nicole. This is a big deal. Gary had never liked a girl in all these years at school, yet Nicole rejected him.’

Gary no longer cared about his ego. He looked at Raine with a frosty face. “That’s my business, and it has nothing to do with you. Don’t pick a fight with Nicole again; don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He was now conscious of his feelings for Nicole and would not allow her to be bullied.

“You!” Raine’s face flushed with anger, and she glared at Nicole with resentment. “You’re super, Nicole.”

With that, she stomped her foot and turned away.

Jack looked at Nicole involuntarily, thinking that she would be grateful to Gary, not expecting that she would look even frostier than before. ‘A Nicole like this looks even scarier.’

Nicole did not see Jack’s frightened expression. She just came out from behind Gary and said, “I don’t need you to protect me at all.”

Nicole had always been indifferent, just like her words.

Gary bit his lip involuntarily, the detached look on his face fading, replaced by a warm and gentle expression. “You said that I might think what I wanted, I want to protect you, and you can’t stop me from doing so.”

People around them were all stupefied. None of them could foresee that Gary could go so crazy for a girl.

Both Jack and Wayne shrank from the sight of his action, thinking that Gary was too manly.

Nicole had a headache, as she did not know why Gary was pigheaded.

Seeing that the time was passing quickly, she interrupted by saying, “We have wasted too much time on this. Let’s rehearse.”

Only then did everyone come to their senses and go back to rehearsing.

Gary kept looking at Nicole with a feeling of emptiness inside him. ‘I just want to protect her. Why did she hate me so much? Is it really because of that man?’

It came to the anniversary of the Royal Creek Institute in the blink of an eye.

The coming of Lloyd and the directorial team to hold an audition for Lukewarm had already gone viral for a long time.

Today, someone spotted Lloyd’s director team at the Royal Creek Institute for the school anniversary celebration. Many people speculated maybe he came here to select the heroine.

By this time, Lloyd had arrived at the lounge prepared for him by the Royal Creek Institute, waiting for the celebration to begin.

Not long after, Anna knocked on the lounge door.

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