My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 736

Chapter 736

Chapter 736

Chapter 736

Nicole’s face darkened. “What are you doing, Lloyd?” Lloyd looked worried. “What am I doing, Nicole? I’m taking you to the hospital.”

With that, he ignored everyone else and left the stage with Nicole in his arms.

There was an instant uproar.

“Nicole and Lloyd know each other?” Bradley looked at everyone in surprise. Lloyd, who was his idol, had just called Nicole by her name; the two of them seemed to be close to each other.

Everyone seemed to realize something, looking at each other but not knowing what was going on.

Preston was not at the party last time, so he knew nothing and was surprised by Nicole’s relationship with Lloyd.

Spencer and Samuel could no longer sit still and left their seats, saying goodbye to Stanley and going to see Nicole.

The most surprised person at the scene was Anna and the director team. Little did they know Lloyd would openly carry Nicole away despite the crowd’s presence. It would cause a publicity nightmare if the news got out.

At present, what they could do was appease the audience and post a statement online as a preemptive measure.

Meanwhile, Nicole, who had just been carried out into the lobby by Lloyd, could not wait to break free of his arms.

Nicole landed nimbly. She pressed a hand to her wound and glared back at Lloyd. “You’ve crossed the line.”

One rule in their organization was that as much as they were partners and comrades-in-arms, outside of the organization, they must not contact each other openly. Lloyd was now a movie star, a public figure; his action just now was too impulsive.

“I don’t have time for this. What’s more important is to take you to the hospital.” Lloyd looked worried.

Nicole snorted. “Have you forgotten who I am? A medical doctor. Does anyone have better medical skills than I do?”

Hearing this, Lloyd immediately realized that he was really reckless.

“I have a first-aid kit in my car; there is everything you want.” He quickly led the way to his car.

Nicole said coldly, “That won’t be necessary. You’re now a movie star; we should keep a distance from each other.” With that, she spun around. “I will go to the infirmary. Don’t follow me again.”

Her inexorability stopped Lloyd in his tracks. He did not dare to follow her. He knew Nicole’s temperament well; she meant what she said. If he followed her, she might really hit him. Not that he was afraid of getting hurt. He did not want to aggravate her injury. So Lloyd gritted his teeth and stayed where he was.

Anna had come out. “Lloyd, what’s wrong with you? There are so many people watching, are you going to ignore the media and public opinion?”

Lloyd calmed down. “I’m sorry. I was just too desperate.”

Upset, Anna put a hand to her forehead. “Alright, get out of here first. Otherwise, if you get caught by the media, we will have problems answering questions. Wait until you get back to see Nachelle.”

Lloyd could only follow her into the car and leave.

When Nicole arrived at the infirmary, Spencer and Samuel, Bradley, Lulu, June, Gary, Jack, and Wayne had also arrived and jammed up the entire infirmary.

Nicole wanted to treat the wound herself, but she was afraid that they would be surprised and ask questions. So she let the school doctor bandage it, and she would treat it with special ointment when she returned home.

“Doctor, how’s my sister?” Samuel asked worriedly. “Will it leave a scar?”

The doctor in the infirmary nodded. “The wound is deep. I’m afraid that there will be a scar.”

The two siblings were distressed and glanced back at Gary.

They had seen clearly that had Nicole not turned back to save Gary, she could have entirely avoided the falling light fixture.

Gary looked at Nicole with a remorseful face. “I’m sorry. You got injured because of me.”

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