My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

He had heard about Nicole becoming the class monitor. She had really lived up to his expectations.

“Thank you, Stanley.” Nicole let out a gentle smile.

“This is your first day here, so I guess you have not known a lot of people. But it’s okay. Just ask if you are not sure.”

“Okay.” Nicole gladly accepted.

Stanley took Nicole into the student union conference room. As soon as Nicole entered, she saw several familiar faces. Harvey, Edwin, Snow, Raine, and even Preston, as well as Ellar, her third uncle’s son, were in the student union. 2

Nicole raised an eyebrow, but there was no surprise, as she knew those who came from the Riddle family were all outstanding, each of them either a class monitor or a member of the student union.

Snow and Raine were surprised to see Nicole.

Both of them were also the class monitors of their respective classes. They could join the student union because of their excellent grades. In contrast, Nicole had just come to this school recently. They wondered how she ousted the incumbent and became the class monitor herself, and joined the student union.

So Raine was a little upset. “How did she get here?” In fact, what she wanted to say was what gave Nicole the right to sit in the student union meeting. But she did not want to make a scene because there were other class monitors from the high school and the college department.

Stanley did not care about what Raine said, and he solemnly announced, saying, “Vivian from Class B of eleventh grade has stepped down as the class monitor because of her misconduct. Nicole is now the new class monitor. She will take over the duty in the student union. Please give her a warm welcome.”

Everyone present knew that Nicole was the sister of Stanley, Samuel, and Spencer, and they quickly gave her warm applause.

Edwin was even more excited and clapped his hands enthusiastically. Nicole had done him and Preston a big favor before. Now that she was in the student union, he would be more acquainted with her later.

Harvey did nothing but lock his eyes on Nicole. He did not expect that this girl, whom he had a crush on, could join the student union so quickly.

Edwin’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the look in Harvey’s eyes.

‘Harvey’s feelings toward Nicole have become deeper and deeper. If Harvey finds out that Nicole is Lucifer, he will not be able to extricate himself from his infatuation with her.’ Edwin was a little worried for Nicole.

Preston beckoned to Nicole. “Come sit over here.”

Nicole saw a spot next to Preston and gladly walked over.

Raine and Snow stared dead at Preston, hating this brother of theirs for favoring an outsider instead of them.

Nicole had just taken her seat when suddenly someone burst into the doorway.

“I’m sorry. I’m late.” It was Norah who walked in with a folder in her hand. She looked apologetically at Stanley

Stanley’s face turned stony upon seeing Norah. “Take a seat.”

Norah was exasperated. This was her first student council meeting since she left home. She did not expect Stanley to treat her even colder than last time.

She could only bow her head and walk to the conference table and sit down, only to see Nicole’s face.

“Why are you here?” Norah looked surprised and jealous at once.

Seeing the look in Norah’s eyes, Nicole smiled. “We are only separated by Class A. Don’t you even know that the class monitor of our class has changed?”

Norah was stunned by what Nicole said, but she could not believe it. “How is that possible? Isn’t Vivian the class monitor Vivian? How did you become the class monitor?”

Preston was not too happy with Norah. “Didn’t you know Nicole was first place in your grade on this exam? Since Vivian’s academic results are so much poorer than Nicole’s, the class monitor should be replaced.”

Preston immediately got the support of everyone. Changes in the members of the student union were common. After all, the class teachers of each class hoped the class monitor had both good grades and abilities, so class monitors of each class were normally appointed based on merits.

But Norah was jealous to see that Nicole had become a class monitor. She worked so hard to keep her position as a class president. But Nicole had just come to the school not long ago, yet could oust Vivian and become a class monitor.

She had always felt that her only advantage in front of her brothers and parents was her position as a class monitor. Now she had no advantage to speak of after Nicole had also become a class monitor.

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