My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 773

Chapter 773

Chapter 773

Chapter 773

All eyes were on Norah.

They could not believe that the real culprit turned out to be the adopted child of the Riddle family.

Stanley’s words made Norah feel humiliated as if she was in a slow process of death.

She did not expect that the backstage crew would have filmed what she had done that day. When the class teacher found her, she could not even find a word to respond.

If she still wanted to stay at the Royal Creek Institute, she would have to apologize to Nicole in public. Otherwise, she would have to leave school today.

Norah had no choice but to grit her teeth and agree. But the sense of humiliation was far stronger than she had imagined in front of the public.

Especially when the person who supervised her apology was Stanley, she could not feel more humiliated than this. Stanley, her brother who used to love her, was now looking at her with frosty eyes.

Looking at Spencer and Samuel not far under the stage, she saw their expressions change from shock to disdain. She had never seen such an expression on their faces. At this moment, they no longer regarded her as a family member.

Seeing Norah still in a daze, Stanley handed the microphone over. “Confess.”

As she used to be his sister, he could not bear to accuse her in public. But if she was really the culprit, she had definitely gone too far.

Norah took the microphone tremblingly. Now she had no choice but to grit her teeth and say, “I touched the lighting fixture because I was curious. I didn’t know that it would cause the thing to fall and nearly kill my classmates. I now publicly apologize to the two of them, Nicole and Gary, asking for their forgiveness.”

Norah bowed her head and begged for forgiveness as if she had been wronged.

Nicole knew Norah was simply evading telling the truth. Saying that she touched the lighting fixture out of curiosity was another way of saying that she did not mean it.

But she was convinced that Norah did it on purpose. There were many lighting fixtures on the auditorium stage. It just did not explain why only that one directly above their head fell.

Nicole was as sure as death and taxes, but Norah did not keep on explaining why she did that. Instead, she started crying and pleaded for forgiveness, as if Nicole and Gary would be uncompassionate if they did not forgive her.

“Norah is truly a spin doctor,” Lulu muttered from the sidelines, feeling that this time things were not as simple as Norah said.

“She is obviously at fault, yet cries like a victim.” Bradley looked angrily at Norah on the stage.

Norah finished her speech. Stanley felt sorry and took back the microphone from her when he saw her crying nonstop. “It’s alright. It’s over. Norah has publicly apologized and admitted her mistake. She will get demerits for it.”

While Stanley announced the results, Gary frowned. ‘Norah has made such a calamitous mistake, yet she always gets with only a demerit as punishment?’ He looked at Nicole, who looked nonchalant all this while as if she did not care about it. So he had no choice but to stay quiet.

Still crying, Norah got off the podium and went back to class to calm herself down. Everyone else continued the exercise between classes before returning to classrooms.

On the way back to class, Nicole did not say a word. Gary could not bear it anymore and said, “Norah has done something heinous, yet only received a demerit as punishment. Don’t you think it’s too lenient?”

Nicole glanced back at Gary, “Since it was the school’s decision, we can do nothing about it.”

After all, Norah was impeccable in her academic performance, so Class A’s new teacher wanted to protect her. And as she had just noticed, Stanley was reluctant to inflict any severe punishment on Norah. Thinking about the feelings of her brothers, she did not want to pursue the matter further. But if there was a next time, she was not going to let Norah off lightly.

Gary looked at Nicole and was frustrated.

“You gave up, but I won’t-i’ll make her pay.” Gary left in a huff. He was furious at how little Nicole cared about herself. She was almost seriously injured that day, yet she let Norah go. He could not agree with that.

Watching Gary leave, Lulu suddenly leaned over. “Nicole, Gary seems to care a lot about you lately, eh?”

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