My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 792

Chapter 792

Chapter 792

Chapter 792

"Mom, Nicole is apparently bullying me."

Norah tugged at Gloria's hand.

Gloria sighed helplessly.

"Nicole really didn't let me spend money.Look, her credit card is still here."

Gloria showed Norah the bank card.

Norah was displeased when she saw the credit card in Gloria's hand.

"I really didn't expect that you had a credit card.Is it a credit card?"

"Whatever card it is, it has nothing to do with you."

Nicole took the card from Gloria and handed it to the service staff.She then ignored Norah and turned around.

"Mom, pick an ornament you like.I will buy it for you."

"It's alright.I have a lot of jewelry.Where do you get so much money to buy necklaces? Is it really a credit card?"

Nicole was still a student, yet she did not want Gloria to spend money on her, so Gloria could not bring herself to let Nicole pay for her.

"Don't worry, Mom.Jared gave it to me."

Nicole made up a random story.

Gloria was happy for her upon hearing that.

"It is so sweet of him."

Norah was completely ignored.She was resentful at seeing the affection of the mother and daughter.

"The necklace has been wrapped for you, and this is the receipt.Have a nice day."

"Thank you."

Nicole took the necklace.

"Mom, Nicole."

Samuel and Spencer had come looking for them after buying gifts.

"Samuel, Spencer?"

Norah happily came up to them to say hello.


Samuel was surprised.

"What a coincidence.Are you here shopping too?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, it's my day off.So I just hang out with my friends."

Norah saw both of them carry a wrapped gift in their hands and thought it was for her.

"I didn't expect you two to buy me gifts."

"Actually, this is for Nicole."

Samuel handed the gift to Nicole.

Nicole looked at Samuel and Spencer.

"It's so sweet of you two.Thank you."

"Don't mention it.It's gifts for your engagement."

They looked at Nicole, whose hands were already full of stuff.

Spencer said, "Open them once you are home.For now, we will keep them for you."

Nicole nodded.

Norah made a fool of herself again and now felt even more upset.

"Since it is Nicole's engagement, I will buy you a gift, too.There is a fashion boutique up ahead.Let's go there to choose a dress as your engagement gift, Nicole."

Norah had a smile on her face but an evil look in her eyes.

Norah not only was not angry but also wanted to buy Nicole a gift.

Gloria quickly said, "You're not working yet, Norah.You don't have to do that."

"Nicole and I might not be related by bloodline, but we both call you mom.Besides, it's her engagement, which is only once ina lifetime; how can I not buy her any gift?"

"Let's go.It's right in front, just close by."

With that, Norah took Gloria's arm and walked forward.

After walking a few steps, she looked back and called out, "Why are you still standing there, Nicole? Come follow us."

Nicole was about to say no when Spencer stopped her.

"Norah has been conscious of her adopted child identity since she left home.I'm afraid she might overreact if you don't follow her."

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