My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 812

Chapter 812

Chapter 812

Chapter 812

"What are you lot looking at? Move along."

Only then did the onlookers disperse while still admonishing her.After disinfecting herself and putting on the operating gown, Nicole walked into the operating room and approached the patient.

"What's the patient's condition?"

"He's still in shock even after putting on the respirator." Nicole then carefully checked through everything again.

"It's probably a cardiogenic shock."

"Prepare for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and hook him up on IV."

"Get a matching blood type pack, prepare plasma."


"Prepare for surgery."

Nicole's determined gaze swept across everyone in the room.

After several hours of intense surgery, the light outside the operating room finally turned off.

Nicole slowly walked out of it after the patient was pushed out of the operating room.When Jared saw her, he immediately walked over and helped her to sit.

"You must be exhausted.Have a sip."

"I'm fine.If it weren't for me just being discharged, these few hours would've been nothing."

"You...Most people would've just dodged it, and yet you stepped forward yourself." Jared looked at her, slightly pained.

"But didn't it work out fine?" Nicole was very proud that she had managed to save a life.

"Yes, but have you thought of the consequences? If you had failed, that's a life lost." Jared was sweating profusely for her outside the operating room.

"I dared to take on the surgery because I have total confidence in it."

Nicole's confident look was extremely attractive.Jared dotingly pinched her nose.

"Fine, you're awesome.Happy?"

"Max, bring the car over."

"Yes, Boss."

When Martin returned to the hospital, he heard about Nicole's feat in the emergency department.

"Nicole, are you alright?"

Martin ran over and saw Jared helping her outside.

"I'm fine. Why are you here?"

Nicole looked at Martin with a puzzled look.

"I just heard about you in the hospital, so I rushed over."

"Your timing is impeccable; the patient is suffering from cardiogenic shock.I've already operated on him, but he's still in a critical period.This is a very special illness, and you need to carefully observe him for a

while.You're the best doctor here, and only you have the ability to be the main doctor of this special patient."

"Don't worry, leave it to me.You've just been discharged, so go and get a good rest."

Martin was worried that Nicole standing for long hours would affect the recovery of her leg wound.

"Oh right, Mr.Jared here has paid the patient's bill."

Nicole turned around and let out a pleased smile at Jared.

"Got it."

Martin nodded.

"Mr.Jared, the car is here."

At this moment, Max walked over.

"Let's go."

Jared then left the hospital with Nicole.

Martin looked at Nicole's departing figure and let out a long sigh before returning to the intensive care unit to check on the patient.

"How's the patient doing?" Martin asked the nurse to his side.

"The patient is stable after surgery."

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