My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 815

Chapter 815

Chapter 815

Chapter 815

Daniel glanced at Sean.

"We will figure it out ourselves."

Sean, who was hopeful a moment ago, was instantly dejected upon hearing what Daniel said.

Nicole looked at the despondent two and asked, "Dad, is there something happening to the company?"

Daniel glanced at Nicole and sighed, "Alas."

"Don't sigh, Dad.Tell me what happened.Let's figure it out together."

Nicole was distressed to find his father, who had always been smiling, looking so tired today.

Knowing that Daniel was too embarrassed to ask, Sean said, "The Riddle family is now bidding on a project of an international company.

"The size of the project is so large that it is difficult to manage without enough capital, and the Riddle family's financial standing is still not adequate.But it is not completely impossible."

The only problem is the Riddle family has a fifty-fifty chance of winning the project on its own.Besides, there are a lot of companies out there that are eyeing this project.

"Whoever wins this project will sit on an equal footing with Johnston Group.So the Riddle family is also determined to win."

Sean looked at Nicole determinedly.

After listening to what Sean had said, Nicole finally understood and looked at them calmly.

"I know little about the project, but if there's something I can help with, I'll do my best."

"Sean, who is the biggest competitor with the Riddle family now?"

Nicole's thought was clearly organized, and her question was to the point.

"Except for a few lesser-known families, all that is left is the McCarthy family.A large corporation like Johnston Group has its own projects, and it won't be interested in such a project," Sean said with a thoughtful look.

"It's the McCarthy family again," Nicole murmured.

"Sean, just let me know if there is anything I can help with."

"Mr.Wyance seems to have a good relationship with you.Could you ask him if he can help?" Sean looked at Nicole tentatively.

"Mr.Wyance knows many people, but I'm not sure if he has any international connections.But don't worry, I'll ask him."Nicole looked at Sean.

"Thank you.I will have to go now; there are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with back at the company," Sean said politely.

"It's all right.Don't worry.I will be at home with Dad and Mom." Nicole smiled at him.

"Dad, Mom, I'll go now," Sean said goodbye to Daniel and Gloria as he got up and left.

"How are you going with Jared?" Gloria smiled and looked at Nicole.

"We're fine."

Nicole blushed, looking shy.Gloria could tell that they were getting along well, judging by Nicole's shyness.

"Why don't you invite Jared over for dinner?" Gloria looked at Nicole.

"Not now, Mom.He has been busy lately.He will contact me in advance when he has time."

Nicole took Gloria's arm.

"Alright.What would you like to eat? I will make it for you."

"I like anything that you make."

"Such a sweet talker.Go take a rest upstairs.I will bring the meal up to you in a moment."

"It's alright.You can just call me.I'll go upstairs now."

With that, she went upstairs.Back in her room, Nicole turned on her computer and searched for the ID that the McCarthy family had used before.It did not take long for Nicole to hack into the ID's computer, which was full of information about joint venture projects.

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