My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 819

Chapter 819

Chapter 819

Chapter 819

"Is no one among you, all big men, useful?"

Nicole's eyes glowed with coldness as she scanned everyone under the podium.

"That's not quite right, Nicole.I didn't say anything," said Gary.

"You'd better not."

"May I ask when we will start training?" Jack asked timidly in a whisper.

"Starting from the next session." Nicole glanced at her watch.

"Next session? Isn't the next session PE class?"

"I've talked to the PE teacher; he is very supportive of our class."

"There goes the PE class."

"You guys have five minutes to rest.After five minutes, whoever signed up for the sports day must assemble at the sports field."Nicole looked fearlessly at them.

"Make the best of these five minutes."

With that, Nicole left the classroom.Backchat started in the classroom as soon as Nicole left.

"What can we do about this? She is killing us all."

"Nicole is so barbarous.Probably she just wants to show us who is the boss." A classmate stood up and condemned Nicole.

"Exactly.Why didn't I see that before? I didn't expect that she would do anything to achieve her purpose."

These people who did not want to take part in the training would not mince their words.

"What can we do? She is the class monitor.Not that we can defy her instructions." Vivian rolled her eyes.

"Don't you hate Nicole the most, Vivian? Why did you give in?"

"I'm not giving in, just lying low and preserving my strength.I'm not talking to you all now as I have got to do some warm-up."

Everyone looked in puzzlement at Vivian, who behaved out of her character.

"What's wrong with Vivian today? Why is she so spirited?"

"Something must be wrong with her."

"All right, let's go."

Gary was impatient with all the talk.On the sports field, Nicole had changed into sportswear and was waiting for everyone to arrive.

"There are two minutes left.Those in the back, hurry up." Nicole shouted.

Those few people trotted over and stood at the end of the line, disgruntled.

"Everybody, warm up with me."

Nicole led her classmates to start doing the warm-up exercise before the training.

A simple five-minute warm-up ended.

Nicole glanced at her classmates and was impressed that none of them had broken a sweat.

"Now, I will assign you all into different groups.

Men's, women's, one hundred meters, two hundred meters, five thousand meters, and one hundred- and-ten-meter hurdles."

"Those of you who have signed up for the above games, please step forward."

Nicole looked at those who stepped forward, some tall, some short, some chubby, and some thin.

"Go for aten-lap run around the sports field.Gary, you'll be the team leader."

Nicole knew Gary's status in the class; it might be better to have him lead the team.

Gary did not expect Nicole to ask him to lead the team.He was startled for a second before he came to his senses.


Now that Nicole had chosen him, he had to take this opportunity to impress Nicole with his abilities.

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