My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

“Hmph! Why go upon seeing me? You have something to hide?” Snow angrily chased in Nicole‘s directi on. “Wait a minute, Nicole.” Snow called out to her from behind.

Nicole rolled her eyes and turned to look at Snow. “What?

“What did Harvey say to you just now?”

Nicole knew Snow would not give up if she did not tell her something. “Harvey asked me for advice wh en he saw how well my training was. That‘s all about it.” With that, Nicole left straight away, not botheri ng if Snow believed

“You lie. With Harvey‘s ability, he needs your advice?”

‘Is Nicole deliberately taking this opportunity to be alone with Harvey?‘ Snow was even angrier at the th ought of this.

“I didn‘t expect you to use this underhanded tactic. But don‘t you ever think of seducing Harvey this way . He is mine.”

Nicole returned to the training team, and Gary was leading the intense and orderly training. “The relay race te am, stop.” Nicole suddenly had a new idea for training

“Relay race is not only about speed but also about the tacit understanding among the teammates. Fro m now on, the relay race teammates will have to nurture tacit understanding together at all times, exce pt for going to the toilets and sleeping.”

It was the first time that everyone had heard that the relay race also needed to nurture tacit understandi ng, and they all could not help but laugh.

“Don‘t laugh. This is a very serious matter. Everyone has to do what I say.”

“It‘s always normal for girls to stick together. But for boys, don‘t you think it‘s a bit too weird?” Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing what Jack said. “Can boys and girls also foster tacit understanding?” E veryone laughed again, and some shy girls blushed at hearing that. Nicole glanced at Jack without smiling. “What are you all thinking? Just do what I say. You all have thought too much as boys. Maybe you all aren‘t tired enough, are you?

“My bad.”

“Okay, just train as I say after the relay race participants complete the regular training.”

“Nicole, this shot is way too heavy. I want to change it.” Those who practiced shot put were so tired that their hands were shaking,

“Shots are all the same weight. What is the use of changing one? What needs to be improved is your own strength.” “Giv e it to me.” Nicole picked up the shot and put it out, landing beyond the farthest bounds.

“Holy moly. That‘s far. She is awesome.”

“You still have a long way to go, kid, if you think of getting up to Nicole‘s level.”

Nicole glanced at the boy, who thought of changing the shot, and she walked over to another team. She

“Keep it up. After the training, I will treat everyone to a drink.”

“Nicole is the coolest class monitor ever.”

Nicole was amused, a gentle smile spreading across her face. When Gary saw this, he was utterly ench

The school finished in the blink of an eye. Nicole waited for Harvey at the school gate as promised. Harvey dropped the car window. “Nico the car.” Nicole opened the car door and got in.

On the way, Nicole kept looking out the window. Harvey glanced at Nicole and felt that she was avoiding

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