My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

"Wow.What a beautiful ruby carving!"

Norah's eyes twinkled with a coveting smile on her lips.

"Jared is so generous.Such a large piece of fine ruby carving must be worth alot!"Steve said "Nicole , when Jared has the time, invite him here for a meal."

Gloria looked at Nicole with delight.

"Okay, Mom."

Norah looked at the ruby carving and became even more jealous of Nicole.She always thought that Nicole had snatched the man who should have belonged to her.

The family rejoiced until the evening.

After Norah left, everyone else could finally breathe a sigh of relief, as if everyone except Daniel and Gloria felt uncomfortable with Norah's presence.

Nicole returned to school the next day.

Because today was a rest day, fewer students were at the school than usual.

When she was looking up some materials in the library, Zeke suddenly came looking for her.

"Nicole, you're really hard to find." Zeke had a time getting to her.

"What are you looking for me for?" Nicole glanced at him.

"I heard you helped Edwin with an urgent job?" Zeke looked at Nicole with displeasure.


"Why didn't you take me with you? I'm your right-hand man." Zeke was not too happy that he was not invited.

"That job came too sudden, and I forgot about you."

Nicole continued to look at the material carefully, without turning her head to look at him.

"You forgot about me? You're too much."

Zeke shouted angrily, but then he realized he was in a library.He hurriedly looked around to see if anyone was looking at him.

"You're too much." He now whispered.

"But I have a more exciting job right now.Are you interested?"

Nicole now turned to look at him.When Zeke heard that there was a more exciting job, he was exhilarated.

"What exciting job?"

"I'm going to infiltrate The Hunters," Nicole spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Zeke was stunned.

"Are you crazy? There are tons of top hackers on The Hunters, and the head of the dark site is said to be one of the best.Aren't you asking for trouble by attacking them?"

"I'm looking for a person's identity, and the only place I can find the person's identity is The Hunters.So I've got to hack it."

Nicole looked at him seriously and resolutely.Zeke scratched his head with uneasiness.

"Hold your horses.I will figure out a way and then improve the decryptor." Nicole looked at him and nodded.

After Zeke left, Nicole sat in the library for a long time, then returned to the dormitory with a stack of books in her hand.

Sitting in a chair, Nicole remembered what Carl had said and felt that there was more to what happened to Zane than met the eyes.So she picked up her phone and texted Zane.

[Where are you?]

After waiting for a long time without receiving a reply from Zane, Nicole had no choice but to deal with what was at hand first.

She picked up a book and continued to read.

The next day, Nicole led her classmates to continue training in the sports field.She still could do nothing just yet because she had not heard from Zeke.

All she could do now was wait for Zeke's news while preparing for the sports day.

There were still a few days left before the sports day.

The training on the sports field today was intense but orderly.

"You all have undergone days of intense training.Now let's test how far you all could go, shall we? Do you have confidence?" Nicole shouted.


"Then let's start with the 100-meter dash." Nicole looked at Gary.

Gary and a few classmates of his had warmed up and come to the starting line, just waiting for Nicole's order to race to the finish line.

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