My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 849

Chapter 849

Chapter 849

Chapter 849

Nicole waved the flash drive in her hand, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Based on the information available on The Hunters, Nicole found White’s coordinates.She immediately contacted Carl, sent the coordinates , and told him what Rowan had told her earlier.

[This is White’s coordinates.Don’t return to the country yet.Go check up on this person.Be careful.] Nicole felt more at ease after solving the problems that had stressed her out over the past few days.She looked at Zeke and asked, "Can you walk?"

"You bet."

"Let’s go out and celebrate."

After parting with Zeke, Nicole returned to the Riddle Mansion.As she pushed the door open, she saw Sean and Steve sitting in the living room talking to Daniel.

They were all beaming at seeing Nicole return.

"Nicole, I have something to tell you," Daniel said.

"What are you all doing, Dad?" Nicole glanced around.

"The bidding documents are ready.Take a look."

Daniel handed her the documents.

"So fast?"

"Not at all; just that you were too busy all this while."

"By the way, did Harvey contact you regarding the Aegis Corporation project?" Daniel asked.

"I have been busy, and so I haven’t seen him. I will contact him afterward."

Nicole flipped through the bidding documents and found they had done a good job.

"Well done." Nicole looked at Sean and Steve.

"That’s our job.You may also hold a discussion with Harvey in our company’s office."

It was a better meeting venue where Sean could provide off-site assistance.

"Okay.Any update on the McCarthy family?"

Nicole wanted to know what was going on with her opponent.

"The McCarthy family has been looking for partners everywhere.They are not as good as the Ellison family, but there is strength in number; we must not underestimate them." Sean told Nicole about the intel he had found.

Nicole narrowed her eyes and then looked at Sean.

"It seems they are trying to find an edge in terms of size.Keep an eye on the McCarthy family.Inform me immediately if there is anything amiss."

Sean looked at Nicole’s powerful aura and felt that it differed from that of a businessperson; she was even more determined.He suddenly felt that she was more of a leader.

"Can I take these bidding documents back and analyze them?" Nicole looked at Sean.

"Sure.Contact me anytime if you have questions."

He was ready to do everything in his power to support Nicole.

The school’s sports day was held on schedule a few days later.

Because the event was sponsored , the sports day was grander compared to previous years.Even TV stations had come to the school to cover the event.

The sports field was bustling with activity, and everyone was making final preparations for the official opening of the sports day.

After Mr.Kennedy of Class A left, the new class teacher gave Norah the tough job of winning first place for the class.

Nicole stood in front of Class B and explained to everyone what were the precautions and arrangements of the competition they had to keep in mind while Ms.

Emerson was playing the cheerleader role, trying to motivate the participants.She looked at Nicole and already felt surefooted even before the game began.

"Drink some water, Nicole."

Ms.Emerson took a bottle of water and handed it to Nicole.

"Thank you, Ms.Emerson."

Nicole took the water and looked at her.

"Is there anything you’d like to talk to everyone about?"

Ms.Emerson looked at Nicole and then said to everyone,"You guys have been training tirelessly just for today’s game.I hope you all enjoy the game and be at your best."

Class B’s students applauded in unison, but this aroused a sense of jealousy among the students from other classes.

"They are already so arrogant before the competition starts.We have got to teach them a lesson afterward."

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