My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 923

Chapter 923

Chapter 923

Chapter 923

“It is alright. I will drive there myself.” Nicole wanted to get there as soon as possible. If she had enough time, maybe she could catch the latest flight.

“See you at my grandpa‘s house.” Nicole hung up. Feeling that Nicole was a little out of sorts, Jared dropped the paperwork in his hands and drove straight to Mr. Riddle Sr.‘s house.

“Grandpa, Jared and I will be back to see you in a while.” Nicole called her grandfather.

“Okay. I will have someone arrange it now. You guys just come.” Mr. Riddle Sr. was overjoyed to hear that Nicole was coming with Jared.

Nicole packed up her belongings and then called for Tia.” I may not be staying back here for a while, so you take good care of Grandma here.”

“Okay, Nicole.” Tia did not ask more questions.

Nicole came to Mrs. Wallace Sr.‘s room to say goodbye.” Grandma, Grandpa asked me to stay at his house for a while. I may not come here to see you for some days. If you need anything, just tell Tia. She will take care of you.”

“Don‘t worry. I can take care of myself. You go ahead and get busy. Don‘t worry about me.” Mrs. Wallace Sr. knew

Nicole was busy and did not want to burden her.

“I will be back to see you when I‘m done.” Nicole hugged Mr. Wallace Sr. for a long time and then got up and left.

The Lamborghini was speeding toward Mr. Riddle Sr.’s house. As Nicole arrived and parked up her car, she saw Jared waiting for her at the entrance.

“You are waiting for me?” Nicole walked over and took his arm.

“What do you say?”

“Let‘s get inside together.” Nicole took Jared by the arm and walked inside the mansion.

Mr. Riddle Sr. and Daniel and his wife were sitting inside talking when they saw Nicole and Jared walk in.

“Grandpa, Mom, Dad.” Nicole was the first to greet them.

“Come on over.” Mr. Riddle Sr. said.

“Mr. Riddle Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Riddle, how do you do?” Jared greeted them politely.

“Please take a seat.”

Nicole and Jared sat down next to Mr. Riddle Sr. when voices came from the doorway. They looked toward the door and saw the other three families.

“Dad, why did you call us over in such a hurry?” Damien asked as he walked toward Mr. Riddle Sr.

“Sit down and talk.”

“Today is Nicole and Jared‘s first time back since they got betrothed, so I called everyone over to liven things up.” Mr. Riddle Sr. spoke after everyone had sat down.

“So that‘s what this is about.” Damien thought it was some big deal. He gave Nicole a disdainful look, but did not dare look at Jared.

Dillon looked at Jared. “Mr. Johnston , I was too busy to have a drink with you on the day of your betrothal. But today, we shall have a good drink.”

Dillon picked up a glass of wine to toast Jared.

“Absolutely.” In response , Jared picked up his glass to toast Dillon.

“Nicole, how do you find the house?” Mr. Riddle Sr. looked at her.

“It is very comfortable . You are really good at choosing houses. The view is superb. You can go to see it when you have time.” Nicole thanked him.

“I‘m glad that you like it.” When he saw Nicole liked it, he knew it was worth it.

“It is a house from Grandpa; you can‘t expect anything less,” Karen said, getting green–eyed.

“You have given Nicole a villa with a sea view. Why don‘t we have one?” Raine asked.

“That is a gift for Nicole‘s betrothal. When you get engaged, I will buy each of you a house as well.” Mr. Riddle Sr. looked at her with a smile.

Since Mr. Riddle Sr. had said so, Raine did not dare to ask for anything, and could only sit down resentfully.Chloe glanced at Jared every now and then, thinking about why such a handsome and wealthy man was not her man.

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