My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

“Yeah, it’s not well-known.” Ning Ran managed to gloss over.

If Poker Face knew you just called his entertainment company a “small” one, you would be completely done for, you selfish doctor.

He’s young and has the looks, too, so why doesn’t he just focus on becoming the best in his own industry? He’s trying to copy those genius all-rounders and get involved in every single line of work possible, but all he’s doing is making himself look like a dense idiot.

Zou Gang’s chest puffed up at the sound of that. “I was right! I’d never heard of such a company. It makes sense that it’s a small one.”

Ning Ran was completely speechless. Sure. Whatever floats your boat.

I’m too tired to deal with your ramblings right now.

However, Zou Gang kept talking. He chattered on until someone finally called him away to do something else, and finally, he left.

To be fair, it wasn’t like he wasn’t talented. He was rather knowledgeable, but he was too narcissistic and assumed he already knew everything there was to know about the world. He probably thought the whole world revolved around him.

After Zou Gang left, Ning Ran finally got some peace and quiet.

After she was done taking her medicine, Ning Ran wanted to go home. She was truly uncomfortable in this hospital.

However, the two caretakers didn’t allow it. They had received orders to look after Ning Ran and not let her out of their sight.

If Ning Ran left on her own, whether to work or anything else, the two caretakers would not be getting a single cent.

Ning Ran had truly tired herself out during these last few days. All Nan Chen wanted was for her to take a much-needed rest.

While she wasn’t very happy with that decision, Ning Ran didn’t want the caretakers to lose their paychecks just because of her recklessness. She ended up forcing herself to stay in place.

Time passed in a flash and afternoon rolled around once more. However, Dr. Zou had returned again.

This time, he had come prepared with a bouquet of white roses and a specialized lunchbox.

The lunchbox had been prepared based on her nutritional needs.

He had even taken a special route home so he could prepare this lunch especially for her.

The sunny side up had been purposely made into a heart; it was extra glaring. Somehow, he had shaped the yolk into a heart shape, and he had used tomato sauce to write “love” on top of it.

That was extremely detailed of him, but all that design managed to do was make it obvious that this meal was more of a flirting technique than a nutritional afterthought.

“How is it? It’s good, right? I made it especially for you,” Zou Gang said proudly.

“Thanks, Dr. Zou. However, I’ll have someone sending lunch to me later, so you should eat this yourself.”

Ning Ran would naturally never accept such a thing. How was she expected to eat something that had the word “love” written on it with tomato sauce?

“I made this for you. You have to accept it. If not, I’d have wasted my time,” Zou Gang said, clearly unamused.

“Someone will send me lunch later. Thank you for the effort though.” Obviously, Ning Ran still wasn’t going to accept it.

“We’re going to work on a movie together, aren’t we? We should be friends first, right? If you don’t eat the lunch that I specially made for you, that’s way too cruel, don’t you think?”

He was obviously starting to get annoyed and was trying to hold back his emotions.

Ning Ran was still in the hospital, so she wasn’t really in the position to offend a doctor.

After a lot of consideration, Ning Ran finally accepted it.

“Thank you, Dr. Zou. I’m not hungry yet, so just leave it here for now. I’ll eat it later,” Ning Ran said.

Zou Gang finally lightened up. “Okay. You have to eat it, alright? I’m busy, so I’ll be heading off. I’ll come back when I’m free!”

“Okay, sure.”

Ning Ran finally sighed in relief once Zou Gang left.

It was lunchtime after all, and Ning Ran was actually getting hungry.

However, she was not about to eat that lunchbox. She was already disgusted; she wouldn’t be able to choke it down.

I can’t just go without lunch, though. Should I order some takeout?

She was still thinking about how she should settle her lunch when Nan Chen arrived.

He had also brought food with him.

It was also a nutritional lunch, but it didn’t have a heart-shaped egg yolk, nor did it have “love” written anywhere.

“I was passing by, so I wanted to drop off your lunch myself. What did the doctor say?” Nan Chen asked.

“Not much. My fever’s almost completely gone. You’re busy enough. You didn’t have to come and see m-”

“I was just passing by,” Nan Chen reiterated clearly.

“Ah,” Ning Ran responded.

However, Nan Chen fell silent right then. He was looking at the lunchbox placed on the bedside table.

That bright red “love” written on top was simply too eye-catching for Nan Chen to not notice it.

Then, his gaze turned dark and his expression turned cold.

He looked at Ning Ran with a gaze as sharp as daggers, asking about the lunchbox with his stare alone.

Ning Ran immediately panicked. “I ordered takeout, but it looked way too shallow, so I just didn’t eat it.”

Only then did Nan Chen’s expression lighten considerably.

Ning Ran didn’t dare to elaborate any further. She quickly started on the lunch Nan Chen had brought instead.

It tasted fantastic, especially the soup. It looked completely clear and resembled water, but she somehow smelled the aroma of chicken soup from it. How was this soup even made?

She was in the middle of eating when the door to her ward opened once more. Ning Ran lifted her head and took a look, immediately panicking at the sight of the newcomer.

It was Zou Gang.

“How can you eat whatever you want like that? Why didn’t you eat the lunch that I made you? I’m a doctor, I know what’s best for you. How can you eat trashy food like that?” Zou Gang said.

Nan Chen’s expression fell into the depths of the Arctic. The temperature in the room felt like it had dropped a couple of degrees, and Ning Ran felt a chill run down her back.

Damn it, Zou Gang! You couldn’t have picked a worse time to come in!

Nan Chen looked at the young doctor. all dressed up in his white robe. How dare he call the lunch I brought ‘trashy’?

Where had this insufferable maggot even come from?

“You’re a patient! You really can’t eat whatever you want like that. Put it away.”

Zou Gang reached out his hand and snatched the lunch Nan Chen had made for Ning Ran away from her and placed it aside. “You can’t eat trashy food like that. Eat what I made you. It’s nutritious and filled with love, too.”

Sh*t. He’s done for.

Ning Ran had lied to Nan Chen and told him that the lunchbox was takeout she had ordered. Now, Zou Gang had gone and exposed her in the act.

The temperature in the room dropped even more.

Ning Ran held onto the lunchbox grudgingly, not knowing what to do with it.

“Hm? This is…?” Zou Gang finally noticed Nan Chen, who had been staying silent by one side the whole time.

Nan Chen wasn’t looking at him at all. Instead, he was staring at Ning Ran with a terrifying glare.

Ning Ran felt an actual pressure landing on her shoulders.

She cleared her throat and tried to stay calm. “Uh, I-I’ll introduce you two. This is Dr. Zou, and this is-”

“No need for that.” Nan Chen cut Ning Ran off.

He didn’t need to be introduced. Why should I let this insignificant doctor know who I am?

In a competitive, business-heavy city like Flower City, only fools didn’t know of Nan Chen. Not knowing him was equivalent to being an idiot who was never going to make it to the top.

There were very few members of the elite in Flower City who didn’t know Nan Chen.

Even if they had never personally seen him, they should have at least heard of him.

However, Zou Gang had no clue who he was. For that reason alone, Nan Chen didn’t see the need to let Zou Gang know who he was.

He didn’t deserve to know.

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