My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 1234 The Role Of A Wife (Part Two)

Chapter 1234 The Role Of A Wife (Part Two)

"I will get back at you later. Right now I need to see if the meat is still edible or not." Leena knew that the meat was probably not edible. Her lips thinned in a grim line.

"The meat is burnt? Then what would we eat? Please don't eat me." Patricia looked at Leena with wide eyes. Seeing how pissed off Leena was, she definitely regarded it as a possibility.

"Ah, that tells me it might be a good idea after all. Thank you, I will consider it." Leena glanced at Patricia with a sly glint in her eyes. She followed Kevin and left a shocked Patricia behind, who was frozen in place. Patricia never thought that she would shoot herself in the foot one day.

"The meat is burnt. We can't eat it, so I have to throw it all in the dustbin," Kevin said when Leena walked in. He poured the burnt dish in the garbage.

"I'm so sorry! It is your favorite dish." Leena lowered her head in shame, like a child who had been caught doing something wrong. Kevin felt amused at Leena's behavior. He wasn't even mad, for crying out loud. Why was Leena acting like she did something awful?

"That's all right. Just be more careful from now on, okay? I don't want any accidents to happen to you." Kevin didn't blame her for ruining his favorite dish. He just wanted Leena to be more careful and not hurt herself. He only cared about her well-being.

"Yeah, of course. I will be more careful. At least we have other dishes." Leena bit her lower lip gently. She glanced at the wasted dish in the dustbin with guilty eyes. She had planned to cook Kevin's favorite dish for him, but it was all ruined now.

"What were you two doing just now?" Kevin turned to face Leena, thinking of the water on the living room's floor. He was curious as to why it was such a mess.

"It was just as you saw. While I was cooking dinne historical

onfused at Kevin's words. She didn't understand what he was trying to tell her.

"I can't explain it to you, Nana. You have to figure this out by yourself." Kevin put his hands on her shoulders and patted her. He walked out of the kitchen. If he straightaway told Leena what he really meant, she would probably still be wary around him. He hoped that one day, Leena would figure out what he really wanted.

Leena looked at Kevin's receding figure and bit her lower lip. She was in deep thought and wondered what Kevin meant. Was he right? That she didn't think of herself as his wife? Leena was puzzled.

Kevin's words kept repeating in her mind. She couldn't let it go. She still smiled and went about her routine, but her heart lingered on the strange question Kevin had brought up. The next day, when she met Gerard, her mind was still miles away.

"Mignonne, are you okay?" Gerard looked at Leena, feeling a bit concerned.

"Oh! I'm fine. Don't worry. Professor Bella will be in the city tomorrow, right? I want to ask you if she has contacted you in advance." Leena tried to hide that she had spaced out by posing Gerard the question. She had a smile on her face, but it seemed a bit forced.

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