My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 1380 Kung Fu Boy (Part Two)

Chapter 1380 Kung Fu Boy (Part Two)

"Not again, you two! Did you guys quarrel with each other every day when you were in Paris?" Edward asked with a frown. He was really having a headache because of these two.



Leena and Justin blurted out at the same time and stared at each other up and down with scornful eyes. They just couldn't make peace with each other.

When they got out of the airport, Leena couldn't help but shiver at the cold weather. Then a warm coat was placed on her shoulders.

"It's a little cold in the morning. Don't catch a cold now." Edward gave her a short brotherly smile, which made Leena feel really warm.

"Thank you, Edward." Leena put on the coat and zipped it up to make herself warm. Paris was much warmer, and the clothes she wore were too permeable for S City.

"Okay, get in the car. I'll drive you home first," Edward offered as he knew Leena might get sick if they stayed out in the cold much longer.

On their way to Grand Apartment, Justin kept talking about the interesting things that he had witnessed and experienced while he was in Paris. Leena, however, didn't seem to be in the same car, looking out of character. She stared out the window and remained quiet all the way, which made Edward feel strange. historical

"Hey there, how was your trip to Paris this time?" Edward asked with a frown. He noticed that she was in low spirits and wondered what had happened to her. 'Was it because of her business? Was her summer wear launch a failure?' he thought to himself.

"Well, the launch was a success, especially for the children's wear part. We have received a lot of praise and accolade for that one. And I owe it to some certain arrogant little boy, who was actually a great model and the perfect illustration of my designs!" Leena commented, looking at Justin. Leena wasn't making it up. At the launch event, the shutter sounds had clicke

w have you been? Are you feeling better?" Leena asked as soon as she came in, holding up a gift which she had bought for her in Paris. Patricia was now sitting on a wheelchair. Leena could tell from the look on her face that she had gotten much better while she was away.

"Hey, Leena, you're back! Yeah, look at me! I'm much better, haha! How's your trip to Paris? Was it a success?" Patricia was thrilled to see Leena. The car crash did not kill her but the boredom in this hospital might. Michelle often came over to keep her company, but she couldn't go anywhere, and that stressed her out.

"Yes, it was a success. How about your therapy?" Leena looked worriedly at her leg which was not in plaster anymore. She was afraid that there might be complications in the future.

"I've made some progress, but it is really exhausting." Speaking of therapy and rehabilitation, Patricia couldn't help but remember Tom's cold face. The rehab was carried out by a doctor with specialized training in the field. Tom, however, would come every time she was in session. Oddly, he didn't even cast her a single glance. He would say a few words to the doctor but he would leave in a hurry. Patricia couldn't help but wonder what Tom was actually up to.

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