My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 1581 The Bastard (Part Four)

Chapter 1581 The Bastard (Part Four)

He sat idly on the rock for a very long time, as if he was part of a painting which blended perfectly with the blue sky and the indigo ocean in the back. Big waves lashed onto the shore, one after another. White foams splashed onto his shirt, some of them wet his mouth. He licked the foam; the bitterness of the sea made him smirk. His heart was more bitter than the ocean.

His life was a show he put up for people around him. He was a funny, cool gentleman in front of others. But as soon as the lights went out, he had to return to his little dark corner. There, he had to clean up his unseen wounds and amend his own broken heart all by himself. He was like an artist- performing and faking emotions. He knew how to distract people with his unique laughter. He never revealed his real self to anyone. The people around him thought of him as a funny, positive and generally happy person. But they couldn't be more wrong. He was torn, beaten, and wounded by his harsh life. He had to live with his mask on. His life was merely a show for others.

The sunset over the horizon was simply breathtaking, but Rain was not paying any attention to it. Nothing seemed beautiful or wholesome to him anymore. Waves nosily hit the rocks underneath his feet one after another and then faded away. Occasionally, a seagull would fly across the sky, hovering above the ocean not far from where he sat. Rain watched the view in front of him, his mind galloping wildly. Time seemed frozen at some point. He couldn't control his emotions any longer.

His past haunted him like a vengeful ghost. So many scenes flashed in front of his eyes, messing up his mind. No matter how desperately he tried, he couldn't break the shackles of his nightmares. They were everywhere. There was no escape. Rain buried his face into his palms and moaned in agony. Depression soon overwhelmed him. He was the one who had chosen to place all his burdens on his own shoulders. Now, he had to face the consequence with his remaining courage.

When the sun finally disappeared into the sea, Rain dragged himself back to the car. He closed his tired eyes and took a few minutes' nap. He picked up the phone by his side and was sur historical

ell hit him. Rain sniggered. She was right. He did smell unpleasant. But it wasn't that horrible.

Inside the bathroom, Leena bent over the toilet and puked everything out. With trembling legs, she came back to Rain's side and gave him a weak smile. With a baby growing inside her, she couldn't stand any strong smell. Rain, with his trip to the ocean, caused her to have that crazy pregnancy reaction.

"You poor little thing, are you all right? Do I really smell like rotten fish to you?" Rain patted her softly on the shoulder, trying to help her feel better. Then he went to the kitchen and fetched a glass of water for her to wash away the smell in her mouth. As they sat down on the sofa, he looked at her and said, "I do smell like seaweed, I suppose. But boy, you are over-reacting!"

Leena rinsed her mouth and pulled herself together. Then she said weakly, "I am not over-reacting! I'm pregnant, you know. I'm sensitive to scent, especially unpleasant ones like this. Even the slightest odor makes me vomit."

"Oh! I almost forgot that you are pregnant. Now I understand. For a moment, I thought that I was so stinky that the mere sight of me sent you straight into the bathroom!" His casual joke made her laugh. She gave him a friendly nudge and giggled. Rain had the magical power to cheer others up. Despite the fact that he was a broken man inside, he never showed his vulnerability to others. He armed himself with the most gorgeous smile.

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