My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 547 A Secret (Part One)

Chapter 547 A Secret (Part One)

"Mr. Mu, it seems like you are not very busy lately. We run into each other often." Yakira said carefully, to see if he was busy investigating how her and Paul Du were connected. She had to proceed cautiously to see what he knew.

"Yeah, that's right! "I am on a vacation recently, so I have more free time. And with time on my hands, I have some things that I'm interested in." Edward grinned wickedly and his smile seemed meaningful. Because his injury was kept under wraps, no one knew about it. And thus, it became his best shield at this moment.

"Really, Edward, these things must be important to you, right? As you have put aside your other work for them." Mary was secretly pleased, guessing that Edward was flirting with lovely ladies. In that case, Daisy would soon be out of the picture. Mary also assumed that her opportunities to be Edward's new lover were relatively much greater than before.

"Well, It's true that it's very important. It's also a secret which I discovered by accident." Edward was bending his head down, looking askance at Yakira. He wanted to know what reaction Yakira would have to what he said. Just as he had expected, Yakira's face turned pale in an instant. historical

"Um, about that... Edward, could you tell us what kind of secret you're so interested in?" Yakira's panic was only temporary, and soon she calmed herself down. She was thinking that, maybe what he said didn't have anything to do with her. She could not fly off the handle before everything was clear. It might be none of her business anyway, but if she showed any irrational reaction, it might make trouble for her. That was not a good thing.

"Speaking of this, I don't know whether Mrs. Ouyang still r

is friends."

Yakira didn't want to miss such a good chance, because it was too difficult to come across him in such a place. So she had to do something tonight anyway. Fortunately, after they figured out a plan, they got the medicine they wanted to use. There was no need for them to look for drugs everywhere. The only disadvantage of this drug was that it had to be stirred into the wine to get the best effect. So no matter what, she had to try her best to let him drink.

"No, of course not. I totally respect you. After all, I have to show respect to you for Mr. Ouyang's sake. No matter what happened before, he still is my biological father-in-law, right?" Edward frowned lightly and deliberately emphasized the word "biological". His eyes were full of meaningful expressions. He could not understand why Yakira would suddenly be so picky. So just for a while, he was almost confused by her question.

"Edward, my father has never admitted Daisy was a member of the Ouyang family. How could he possibly be your father-in-law? It seems that you are really sick and quite ill. Otherwise why would you talk nonsense suddenly?"

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