My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 851 Leenas Wet Adventure (Part Two)

Chapter 851 Leenas Wet Adventure (Part Two)

"Alright. I can be your sister. Don't break your word, and start to take good care of me from today on, " said Louisa cheerfully. She forced a contented smile on her face. Anyway she was happy to be his sister, at least for now. She had been offered the opportunity to turn the tables.

"I never break my word. As long as you stop treating me like a suitor, then we can get along. Remember, I'm married and off-limits as a love interest, " answered Kevin seriously. The gift really showed who Kevin was. He always did what he said, and he promised her a birthday present. But, after he agreed to hang out with Louisa on occasion, Leena might get jealous and even heartbroken. But he didn't even think about this.

"I see. So bro, I'd like to have dinner with you again. It would be rude to turn your sister down, right?" said Louisa, putting a charming smile on her face. When she stopped being hysterical, she looked soft and beautiful.

"Yeah as long as I have the time, " he answered carefully. As far as he was concerned, Louisa was every bit as willful and mischievous as his own sister.

"Goodbye, bro, " said Louisa gratefully. She knew she shouldn't push Kevin too much. Being nice and considerate might be a workable strategy when she tried to win his heart. Yeah, she could do this, she decided. She waved at him, turned and walked away.

"Bye, " said Kevin. When Louisa's voluptuous figure disappeared from his sight, Kevin got in his car and drove away. He felt relieved now that he and Louisa had made an agreement. However, he had no idea that Louisa wanted much more than what he could offer.

In Leena's mind, clear skies and beautiful clouds were always the most stunning scenery, making a strong contrast with the blue sea and the brightly-colored flowers. Leena's mouth twitched, looking at all those beautiful things. Nevertheless, what troubled her mind was the guy who kept harassing her and following her wherever she went.

She wouldn't be bored by the charming scenery on two sides of the River Seine, and everything looked as wonderful as seeing it for the first time, perhaps because of the weather, the culture and the people.

"Mignonne, when will you go back to China?" Gerard asked Leena anxiously and tentatively. Gerard was afraid that Leena might not be charmed and fall in love with him if she were to leave France soon.

"I don't know. Maybe in a month. Actually, I'm not sure. Maybe I'll leave sooner, as long as I'm allowed to graduate. Why do you ask?" answered Leena. Leena liked the feeling of boarding a boat and cruising the River Seine, which might inspire her designs. The conversation didn't break her stride at all. She continued to draw and dip

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

ad to blow her reddening noise, and felt even more uncomfortable as she felt the burn of abraded skin. She resisted the urge to go to bed, and continued to concentrate on her unfinished draft. She didn't drop the pen and climb to her bed until an hour later when she finally finished all of her work. She was exhausted.

When she lay down on the bed and felt the soft cotton sheet against her skin, a sense of weakness swept over her, and brought tears to her eyes. She had been coddled and loved by her family since she was born. Besides, she became sentimental whenever she fell sick. It was normal for her. She made no pretensions of being anyone else.

However, it suddenly occurred to her that she missed Kevin so much. If she couldn't enjoy his company, hearing his voice was good enough to comfort her. Excited by the idea, she forgot that it was after midnight in her home country. With an eager desire, she called Kevin over the phone. When she realized what she was doing and was about to hang up her mobile phone, she heard Kevin's sleepy voice and there was no way for her to backtrack now.

"Hello! This is Kevin. Who's that?" asked Kevin. He was awakened by the noise of his mobile phone. Before checking his phone and figuring out who was calling, he picked it up and answered it.

"Kevin, it's me. I'm sorry to call you in the middle of night. I forgot it was past two in the morning there, " Leena answered apologetically. Hearing Kevin's voice on the phone, she had to refrain from sobbing, and she got hoarse and trembled. You could hear it in her voice.

"Good morning, sweetie, what's up? Are you crying? What happened?" Kevin jumped to his feet immediately, and any drowsiness he felt vanished. The fact that Leena called him so late at night, sobbing, worried him a lot.historical

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