My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 855 The Calm Before The Storm (Part Two)

Chapter 855 The Calm Before The Storm (Part Two)

"Why? Are you going to invite me over for dinner?" Knowing that Leena was well cared for now, Kevin bantered with Daisy with ease.

"I just thought that you wouldn't agree to participate." Daisy defiantly raised her eyebrows. Of course, she knew he was joking with her. historical

"As long as you buy me a dinner, I'll definitely come. Seriously, What's going on?" Kevin leaned back against his chair, with a playful smile on his face.

"So, here is the deal. My soldiers want to compare notes with your armored battalion." Daisy pursed her mouth. The soldiers were inviting Kevin to pick a fight.

"What? Compare notes with my armored battalion? Do they want a shoot-out or a hand-to-hand combat? I don't have time for the shoot-out. As for the hand-to-hand combat, we could hardly win." Kevin pinched his chin. He knew Daisy's soldiers were good at hand-to-hand combat. If he accepted her request, he knew what the result would be without guessing.

"A hand-to-hand fight, of course. So, what do you say? Fight or no?" Daisy certainly knew that the armored Battalion was not good at hand-to-hand combat, so her soldiers would surely win. However, she wanted to show them how good Kevin was.

"As a soldier, I am not afraid of fighting. I don't care about winning or losing. It's no big deal to me, " Kevin agreed to the request without hesitation. He would like to take the opportunity to improve the combat capability of his soldiers. In any case, it was just a drill. Winning or losing didn't really matter.

"Okay. I'll take that as a yes. So, I'll see you at 7 o'clock at the training ground." Daisy smiled slyly and turned away.

Kevin shook his head, thinking, 'It looks like she has changed a lot lately. Why else would the soldiers dare to request her for such an indulgent exercise?' To their disappointment, however, as they were about to start the knock off, the Gods turned against them and it started raining hard. It seemed like the rain would not stop anytime soon, so they decided to postpone the activity.

"Okay! I guess that's it." Daisy sighed, shaking her head in resignation as she watched the downpour from the window.

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"Yes, of course. I would never lie to you." The woman smiled at him seductively. Her white skin looked delicate and lustrous. She was an unusual beauty.

"Okay. I promise I will never let you down." As he finished speaking, he kissed her again. The rain outside the window served as an aphrodisiac, making them powerless to stop.

The rain didn't stop until the next morning. The conspiracy grew even more serious. As soon as Edward arrived at the company, he was told that the shares of the departmental stores that were owned by FX International Group were being purchased secretly.

"Who did this?" Edward was in the technology department, with a spirited smile on his face. He didn't seem to be mad about it at all. 'Well, I have met a smart opponent indeed. He knows how to buy the stock of the store I least care about. Unfortunately for him, I knew he was going to do that. He really thinks he's capable of buying my stock?' Edward thought.

"We've got it. It's Kompass Group, headquartered in H City. Its president is somebody known as Shaun Gao. It is said that he graduated from Harvard and began a series of reforms after taking over the Group. The results were pretty good, " The technical staff told him the information he had found on the Internet. 'In terms of financial resources, Kompass Group is no match for our company. Then why is this company moving against FX International Group?' the staff wondered.

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