My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 901 We Are In Love (Part One)

Chapter 901 We Are In Love (Part One)

"We're not that eager to get married. I have to do some thinking and consider whether he really is my true love." To save face, Louisa told a big lie. So she had to think of how best to cover her lie. Once you started lying, you'd have to keep lying so that you wouldn't be found out. One lie led to another. And Louisa would need to tell lie after lie, unless she really could win Kevin's heart. But that wasn't easy. historical

"You still want to wait? Really, you shouldn't need to think anymore. He is such an excellent man. Be careful that another woman doesn't steal his heart while you're still thinking." Every one looked at her in confusion. In this society, it was really rare to find such a good man as the Major General Gu, who was handsome in appearance and quite capable. And Louisa told them she was still thinking about it. That was obvious a slap in their face. If a man like Kevin entered their lives, they would snatch him up in an instant. And marry him as quickly as possible, before he had a chance to think about it.

"I'm not even worried about it. As long as we are in love, no one can separate us." Louisa smiled gracefully. Her confidence made her words more convincing, as if what she said was really true.

"Yes, you're right. General Major Gu must love you very much. No wonder you weren't worried at all that another woman might win his heart at the party." This group of women were shooting her admiring looks. They all believed that for women a good marriage was more important than pretty looks.

"Of course. Like today, he had a lot work to do tonight. But he worried about me coming alone here. Probably he feared that I might be allured by any other handsome men. So he insisted on coming here with me

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

e would call him the minute she was finished.

Kevin felt relieved after he read the message from Leena. He looked at the time. It was sent an hour ago. Probably because it was too noisy inside, so he didn't hear the beep of the message.

The car Kevin drove today was not his usual military Humvee, but his own convertible Bugatti. Although it was the last in the ranking of the top ten global list, it cost almost all his savings when he bought it. Fortunately, he made a wise investment in that bar, and that was how he made ends meet.

When he thought of the bar, it also occurred to him that he hadn't been to Blue Enchantress for a long time. Maybe he could stop by and have a couple drinks tonight. That was a good way to forget all the frustration he felt just now.

The din reached a fever pitch tonight in the Blue Enchantress. The patrons were there and everyone was excited about a night off. The place was as boisterous as it was usually. As soon as Kevin entered the place, all the pretty ladies watched him. His tall figure and handsome appearance made him look charming and intimidating. He immediately stepped into the spotlight.

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