My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 932 Predators And Preys (Part Three)

Chapter 932 Predators And Preys (Part Three)

"And what crime it is to protect an officer? I've given them strict orders to protect you from afar, not to cause trouble." Edward creased his brows in worry. Seeing Daisy so angry, he started to realize that the situation was serious.

"Protecting me? Was that a joke? Or do you really think I need it? So I'm a weak and helpless girl, then? Do you even think I need any bodyguard?" Daisy retorted, rolling her eyes. Hearing that got her even angrier. Why would she possibly need other people to protect her? She was a capable woman, and also possessed great military prowess. If other people knew about her husband doing this they would have a good laugh. Daisy wasn't laughing. This could damage her rep.They'd say, what kind of senior colonel needed bodyguards? And her fame in the military circle would be gone. historical

"Honey, I meant well. As you know, Jessica has returned. And she is plotting something to set you up. I'm worried about you, and so I sent my guys over to make sure you're safe. I had to, because I can't even focus on my daily work." Edward wasn't so confident as he appeared with his explanation. It was indeed his fault not to tell her about his plans in advance. But everything he did was for her own good. He was hoping Daisy would accept his apology.

"I see. So you meant to say, I am not weak in your eyes, but stupid. Am I stupid enough to be set up by the same person twice?" Daisy retorted, looking at him coldly. Fortunately, earlier today, there were no other officers with her. Otherwise, it wouldhave been an even bigger deal. After all, it was against the law to spy on an officer, because there was a lot of potential for military secrets to be leaked.

"There's always a chance that she might try something. What if she caught you off-guard, and succeeded? Don't forget about last time accident. You c

k you've made a mistake! You're just sorry you got caught! So now, tell me... What does Jessica want? Does she want to get back together with you? Is that why she was here?" Grinding her teeth, Daisy spat her words. It was all Edward's fault. Edward did something he shouldn't have done. If not for him, she never would have run into Jessica Lin, much less been insulted by her.

"What? Who? You saw her? Oh... I see now. It all makes sense. She must have said something to you. And that's why you're so pissed. Am I right?" Edward flashed a smile. He suddenly figured it out. His wife was jealous of Jessica.

"Nonsense! She's a nobody, already water under the bridge. I'm mad because of you, you idiot." Daisy couldn't help but soften her feelings when she saw Edward's innocent glance. However, although she claimed that Jessica was a nobody to her, Daisy was actually irked by her words, and worried about her relationship with Edward. She was angry at her dear husband, but jealous too. At this point, she admitted that she had some petty thoughts. But as a sensitive woman, she did not think there was anything wrong with that. After all, who the hell would enjoy it when her beloved husband was dating other women?

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