My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 686 - Mind Your Hands, Dont TouChapter Them

Chapter 686 - Mind Your Hands, Dont TouChapter Them

Chapter 686: Mind Your Hands, Don’t Touch Them

The female professor was silent for a second before saying, “I heard that the traditional chinese medicine professors said that this would be a very difficult exam. Look at the others. They have only answered half of the questions. Meanwhile, Gu Mang handed in her exam in record time. Does she know that she will have to drop the Medical Informatics specialty if she doesn’t place in the top five on this exam?”

If she had to drop the Medical Informatics specialization, she would be stuck taking traditional chinese medicine classes. It would be humiliating.

Professor Yang, who had recommended her for the Medical Informatics specialization, would be humiliated as well.

“She probably knows,” The male professor said. “But, she didn’t attend lessons for a month. Other than scribbling some nonsense down, she probably gave up on passing.”

The female professor looked at him. “Are you saying that she didn’t take the exam seriously?”

The male professor asked rhetorically in a calm manner, “If not?”


After handing in her paper early, Gu Mang bumped into one of the proctors in the corridor.

“Gu Mang, why are you...” As the proctor spoke, she paused. Noticing that the direction Gu Mang was headed in was not towards the washroom, the instructor said, “The bathroom is on the other side. There is not much time left in the exam. Make a quick trip.”

Gu Mang adjusted her cap with her slightly chilly fingers. “Professor, I’m not going to the bathroom.”

The instructor looked at her and asked, “Then why are you outside the classroom?”

Gu Mang replied concisely, “I handed in the exam early.”

Hearing this, the proctor’s eyes widened in disbelief. She took out her phone, tapped on the screen, and glanced at the time. She looked even more shocked. “There’s still an hour left and you already handed in your exam?”

“Mm.” Gu Mang nodded. The phone in her pocket buzzed suddenly. She said nonchalantly, “Bye, professor.”

She did not give the instructor any time to react. Gu Mang walked past her and made a turn. Then, she walked down the stairs calmly.

Dazed, the instructor could only watch as she walked away.


An hour later, the anatomy exam ended. Everyone handed in the exam and left the exam venue with their bags. Usually, everyone would discuss the answers afterwards. However, today, the topic of discussion was Gu Mang.

“Handing in her exam an hour early is even more ridiculous than her bringing only one pen to the exam.”

“I heard that no one has ever handed in an exam early in our major.”

“Yeah. The questions are so difficult. Who would be able to do that?”

“Don’t we have one now? She even handed it in an hour early. I wonder what she wrote. Ha.”

“The exam was so difficult that I almost died. I’m scared that I won’t be able to pass the exam. Gu Mang has never attended any of the lessons. Could she really do better than us? She might have just wrote nonsense.”

Shen Qianzi, Tang Xiaoxiao, and Zheng Miao were walking together. They also got pulled into the discussion.

When they returned to the dorm after having lunch at the cafeteria, Gu Mang was sleeping.

Tang Xiaoxiao and Zheng Miao packed their things gently and also climbed into their beds to get some rest. They still had two more exams that afternoon.

Shen Qianzi walked out of the bathroom. When she passed by Gu Mang’s bed, she paused. She looked down, as if she were thinking about something.

She moved closer to Gu Mang’s bookshelf. There were many medical books on the bookshelf. They were all in English. There were books about neurology, anatomy, virology...

Before she could see the names of the other books, the bed curtains opened all of a sudden. josei

The breeze from the curtains brushed across Shen Qianzi’s face.

She looked up and her eyes met Gu Mang’s dark and cold eyes.

They looked menacing.

Gu Mang looked down at her without saying anything.

Shen Qianzi’s heart started to race. She explained with a guilty smile, “I was looking at the books on your bookshelf.”

With an indifferent gaze and a cold tone, she said slowly, “You can look, but mind your hands. Don’t touch them.”

Shen Qianzi had heard that Gu Mang had a weird temperament. Smiling, she turned around, walked to her own bed, and climbed onto it.

The moment she was obscured by the bed curtains, her face darkened.

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